Still wavin'
- Location
- Ovver 'thill
There's too much modern shite to list, but what really makes my blood boil is the sort of vomit inducing fiddle spewed out by the likes of Lloyd Webber. I blame the public for going to his shows, but then I would cheerfully see the entire readership of OK! and Hello! (in fact any gossip mag with an exclamation mark in the title) taken out and shot. I'm beginning to rant now, and I may not be able to stop myself. Anyone who covers the great and the good, like whichever of the generic spotty tossers ruined Teenage Kicks (RIP John Peel), anyone who has ever been "discovered" by cele........... ah f*ck it I'm bored already.
Sorry. I've calmed down now.
Sorry. I've calmed down now.