What kind of MUSIC do you hate...

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Puzzle game procrastinator!
Rhythm Thief said:
That sort of pretend soul music... Sealion Dion
Ho ho ho - I like that, well, I don't, but I like that name (you know what I mean)! :biggrin:

I've pretty much given up listening to the radio because there is so much crap on air these days. It's not (just) that I'm getting older - I'd have hated that stuff when I was young too. Mind you, it took me about 6 albums to decide that 'Yes' should really have been named 'No'! xx( I had a ticket to go and see them at Bingley Hall, Stafford in 1977 when I heard some punk band on the radio. I had a very sudden 'Ah, ah!' moment and ripped my ticket up. That was me finished with Prog Rock. One of my friends (in a desperate act of non-solidarity) picked up the bits of my ticket and sellotaped them back together. She said that it was one of the best gigs she'd ever been to...

Andy in Sig

Vice President in Exile
Opera and any classical singing.
Most reggae (although dub and ska can be OK).
Nearly all country and western.
Soulless empty crap like Queen, David Bowie etc.
Boy bands.
Girl bands.
And another vote for the evening dressed yellers like Whitney Huston, Celine Dion and Mariah Carey.
Thrash metal and whatever genre a band called Korn belongs to (saw them on the telly and really did think they should have been shot on the spot).


ColinJ said:
Ho ho ho - I like that, well, I don't, but I like that name (you know what I mean)! :biggrin:

I've pretty much given up listening to the radio because there is so much crap on air these days. It's not (just) that I'm getting older - I'd have hated that stuff when I was young too. Mind you, it took me about 6 albums to decide that 'Yes' should really have been named 'No'! xx( I had a ticket to go and see them at Bingley Hall, Stafford in 1977 when I heard some punk band on the radio. I had a very sudden 'Ah, ah!' moment and ripped my ticket up. That was me finished with Prog Rock. One of my friends (in a desperate act of non-solidarity) picked up the bits of my ticket and sellotaped them back together. She said that it was one of the best gigs she'd ever been to...

Before the days of Ebay ????????? :biggrin:


New Member
Wallsend on Tyne
tyred said:
Boy bands and other manufactured pop tripe:angry:

Rhythm Thief said:
That sort of pretend soul music, as reliably released by the likes of Whitney Houston, Sealion Dion and that bloody woman who recently mangled Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah". Every cliched vocal trick in the book and insipid faux emotional backing music. Turbid musical porridge for those who don't like music.
And Coldplay and their ilk, obviously. The equivalent for those who don't like pop music.
And raaawk! music. The likes of Def Leppard and so on.
Now I think about it, it's pretty much anything that is played on mainstream radio regularly.

What they said!! Also Jazz, though that's probably my inability to understand it rather than the fact is crap, it's all plinky plonk to me.
Drum and bass gives me earache. I can only take it for about 10 minutes then it starts to hurt. I really want to like it but just can't
Big ballads a la Celine Dion
Adult oriented rock (AOR) like Toto, Foreigner etc
Teen pretend rock bands like McFly
Musical theatre
The 'Blands' ie snow patrol, coldplay etc

Any genre done badly is awful. Most done well is excellent, apart from the aforementioned.


New Member
Wallsend on Tyne
Rhythm Thief said:
Surely you can't just dismiss whole genres of music like that though? There have been some good rap records made, and while I wouldn't describe myself as a country & western fan, I like some of Gillian Welch's stuff, and Johnny Cash made some cracking songs. IOt seems nowadays that it's only acceptable to be into one sort of music, and to define yourself by it; I like all kinds of music. If I put my ipod on shuffle I might get anything from C.P.E. Bach's flute concerto to Nine Inch Nails, via Eliza Carthy or Beenie Man.

Love Gillian Welch but would never describe her as Country and Western. If you have to label her Apalachan roots music possibly? Continuing the legacy of the likes of the Carter Family and Leadbelly.

From LastFM
Gillian Welch’s musical style combines elements of bluegrass, neotraditional country, americana, old time string band music and folk into a rustic style that she dubs “American Primitive”. Her music is often described as haunting or soothing


ColinJ said:
But where would the grand gesture be in "I've decided to sell my ticket to the Yes concert on eBay"!

My friends looked genuinely shocked when I ripped the ticket up and chucked the pieces away.

Obviously that look was way more satisfying than an ebay sale ! lol


BigonaBianchi said:
Rap and country & western.
What's that movie where Dolly Parton's asked what kind of music they play: "Oh we got both kinds - Country and Western'

On Topic: +1 for manufactured pap, from boy bands to that Hallelujah monstrosity, also all manner of bitch 'n ho 'music'
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