Some people finished the 300km Elenith last year (a ride too long for Halesowen riders

) within seconds to spare before the HQ closed at 2am. On the other hand, another finished at around 6.30pm

Incidentally, I have 'won' several audaxes without another Halesowen, Stourbridge or Solihull rider in sight. There again I was riding Permanent Audaxes by myself.
The old addage is
'sportivers pretend to race whilst audaxers pretend not to race'. 'Not race' my foot! It was all out war between myself and Ant of the Stourbridge CC to reach the HQ on The Elenith first - he won!!!!
Late riders are always a curse for the HQ and controllers. I staffed a control last year on the Cotswold Expedition. Most had gone through but I waited and waited and waited for the few blanks on my checklist to turn up. In the end I gave up and handed over the Brevet Card stickers to the cafe proprieter.