Son no. 2's Boardman AirPro was 'clicky' despite the new chain. In addition it dropped the chain a couple of times on Saturday.
Whilst adjusting the front derailleur a tad I looked at the bottom jockey wheel; it had one of the teeth missing. They're red metal ones to match the matt black frame and red detailing.
So I replaced that, and whilst bolting it back in I looked at the top one. That had about six/seven teeth cracked or missing. So I replaced that with a proper Shimano one since I hadn't any red ones left. The top will
probably take more of a hammering so I went with 'stronger' for the upper jockey wheel.
All sorted and no more clicking.
The red metal jockey wheels were budget metal items badged Meroca - the ones with little holes in - so I
should probably get some decent ones

. Or simply ones
without tiny holes.