I dug the 26er out a couple of days ago, in preparation for the South Downs Way and found the hydraulic brake fluid had emptied itself out. Hydraulic brakes tend to overheat coming down off the moors on 20 - 25% hills, so I ordered some mechanical brakes and fitted them today, with good results (Cheap Clarks Brake set £28). They're road brakes but good enough for my style of riding (rarely more than 1" air
Fitted a 2.1" Nobby Nic, to the rear wheel. Decent 2.1" tyres seem to be on the way out, which is a pain, I had to buy two NNs second hand

Fitted a 2.1" Nobby Nic, to the rear wheel. Decent 2.1" tyres seem to be on the way out, which is a pain, I had to buy two NNs second hand