Needed to at least try to stop the cacophony that using the front brakes on the tandem brings, before going up (and more pertinently, down) the Swiss alps on it next week.
Trip to bike shop to buy new blocks and discuss the necromancy of squeal silencing. Then endless farking about with the front cantis on the tandem which are a total PITA to set up.
Suddenly remembered half way through that I needed to replace a brake bulb on the car, so abandoned tandem unfinished. Endless farking about, racing to spare parts shops on bike before they closed, swearing, finding the rear lights weren't working either, more swearing, swapping around bulbs and bulb holders, more swearing, eventually car with 6/8 working rear bulbs and all brake lights working. Need new bulb holders now. Back to the tandem...
Set up cantis, decide blocks too close to tyres, re set up, repeat 4x. Eventually all is well AND THE SQUEAL HAS STOPPED!!
Praise be. Hilly ride planned early tomorrow before the heat hits. Let's see if the cacophony returns.