I removed my BB on the Genesis day one today. All came of ok. Crank puller from Park tool worked a treat and just a couple of gentle taps with a soft mallet to get it moving. BB replaced with a Shimano UN55, 68 x 118 square taper. £13 from Amazon
I used a Pro Bike tool for the BB which although good for removing was not that good at replacing the new one. It does have a hex head but it’s too small to get a good amount of socket on and any decent purchase on the splined tool. So it’s not torqued up as per Shimano, it’s torqued up as per my soft mallet
The new BB is different in that the shells on either side have a shoulder to meet the frame but the old one does not, it just ends with threads. When the drive side installed and up to frame the non drive side has a gap of less than a mm to frame. I measured the old and new and this would work out right as the old had a thread showing on non drive side when drive side up flush (if that at all makes sense)