Couple of jobs ticked off the list today, and added a couple more to the list as a result
1st job was to return my GT Grade back to 'normal' spec after last weekends CX race. Quickly bolted the bottle cages on, then swapped the knobbly tyres for the smooth Randonneurs I normally run. While doing this I noticed it was a bit stiff when turning the cranks backwards. No roughness or grinding, just a lot of resistance. Dropped the chainset off to find the lefthand bearing had seized solid! Good job I decided to investigate or I might have ended up chewing the crank axle had I tried to ride. Some moisture must have got in during the horrendous CX race or the post race hose down (garden hose pointed carefully, not indiscriminate jetwash use!).
Now trawling the web trying to decide which bearings to order up for replacements.
Also took the opportunity to pop out the headset bearing units to run the Vernier calipers over them. Had them out a couple of weeks ago and regreased them then but need to order some up to have in as spares and wanted to double check the bearing sizes (mainly height as there are a couple of options).
Next job was the MTB headset which is as old as forever, a late 90s roller bearing unit which is still doing good work if serviced occasionally. The last few times the bike has been called into duty the headset has been slightly stuck and needed a quick articulation to free it off, after which everything was ok again. I knew it needed attention so while I was in the bearing mood got stuck in. A bit of a clean up and some fresh grease and it is now as good as, well, as good as a 20 something year old neglected headset that is packed full of fresh grease. Perfectly useable but not quite as good as new......
EDIT: Just remembered, also regreased and reset the bearing adjustment on my R/H XT SPD pedal on the Grade. It has felt a bit tight for a while and been meaning to take a look. Now running silky smooth and spinning freely. Has probably been a bit tight since new.