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Mrs doing the garden all afternoon so I managed to get the commuter and the Cube washed and lubed plus a hour or so tittivating with the 1951 Robin Hood Sports.
How did it go? Looked like a good line up.
Humbrol do an enamel that would be a close match to that I think it is shade 222I cleaned the Principia RSLe that arrived today and adjusted the rear mech:
It needs paint chips touching up, a chain and bar end plugs.
Also fitted bar tape to my youngest's winter bike (the Giant TCR Composite above) so it's all done. It'll be out on the Richard Dunn track tomorrow evening having a shakedown.
On the off chance that the old pedals were mountain bike SPD type ... I have Shimano M520 pedals on my Cannondale. I had a mysterious clicking noise from the bike every time I was pedalling hard and it took me a long time to track down the source of the noise. It turned out that the Phillips/Posidrv(?) screws fixing the top plates on the pedals had come slightly loose. Tightening them got rid of the noise. Remember to do both sides of both pedals!In a probably fruitless effort to get rid of a mysterious clicking noise during each revolution of the cranks, I've replaced my pedals with new ones (flats). Haven't given them a go yet, but if the clicking is still there tomorrow there will be a lot of swearing.