Yesterday I re-set up the rear mech on the other halfs Avail after her spill and gave the XLS a quick rub down before this weeks commutes.
My fixed has been treated to a replacement chain, chainring and bottom bracket
Man At Work
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I feel for you, I used to work in the photographic business, and things were non-stop from our Thanksgiving until New Years. Then slow until people went stir crazy in February, and went on vacations to Florida and the Caribbean.A miserable week........no fettling, no riding, just work, work, work,( i'm in the postal / delivery sector ) & the only riding I have managed was to and from work, To cap it all my Mrs decided to agree to have the grandchildren stay over Saturday night,
so that mum and dad could get their Christmas shopping done ! So after I finished work on Saturday there were games of Monoploy, Snakes and Ladders, Dizzy Dizzy Dinosaur, Pac Man and Ludo to play, and deliberately lose at.
Sunday had been set aside for putting up the decorations, so spent all day making sure the 3 & 6 year olds didn't fall off ladders or hammer pins into the dining table, trying to get last years lights to work, then once they had gone home at about 5-30, take everything down and do it all properly, then clear up all the mess from their overnighter.
So at 8-30, sitting down to an early supper, late dinner of Beans on toast before falling exhausted into bed, ready for the morning alarm to go off. Best weekend since we had them stay over in the summer hols.