What happened to global warming then?

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How many more times need I repeat that I believe Mann to have deliberately misrepresented data in MBH98, before you two accept that as my reason for thinking him a liar and a cheat? I have presented a number of reasons why I believe this. I don't see either User482 or jonesy presenting any reasons why they think that Mann was correct in his methodology, yet you both feel entitled to keep demanding that i present something 'more' convincing.

I wonder who the arbiter is for what constitutes convincing 'enough'? I am also quite curious that you feel entitled to have this spoon fed to you on demand. I would say that it's entirely up to you whether you want to educate yourself, and put in the pre-requisite effort, or whether you want to remain ignorant.
What you believe is immaterial: what I'm interested in is what you can prove. Nothing you have presented so far supports your assertion. I'm not making any kind of claim about Mann so there is no onus on me to provide anything at all. You might also stop the cheap insults: they do little to enhance your already weak case.


Get out of your self important ass.

I have clearly stated why I do not respect Mann. I have not tried to apply his shortcomings to anyone else, and I have clearly stated that I respect the work done by the majority of climate science community.

The trouble with you RC readers, is that you are so used to the issues being black and white, us and them, the believers and the non-believers, that you fail to be able to discern facts objectivelly and critically. Anyone tries to undermine your belief system, you want to sue them. I described in detail why Mann's work on the tree core data is not just wrong, but deliberately skewed, and yet you insist that I am making ad-hom attacks. That, my friend, is called a straw man, perhaps it's you who is running out of arguments?

1. Insults often indicate a failing argument as well as a lack of manners;
2. You clearly try to discredit the large and diverse group of researchers associated with RC by association with Mann, and you do it again after this post;
3. Mann's earlier research is acknowledged as having flaws - that is not the same as saying that he is liar who falsifies data - the thing is that a lot of research since has confirmed the trends he identified, as you should know - so again, don't try to mislead people that anything particularly important depends on Mann' earlier work any more;
4. Congressional or parliamentary inquiries do not arbitrate or settle scientific questions;
5. I don't get my knowledge just from reading RC - you make rather too many assumptions. I am a working academic, and I have some modest qualifications in environmental science and have even taught environmental management in university - I keep up with the literature and RC does help direct me to particular papers and controversies;
6. More ad-hominem from you on Connelly - what do you think is so dubious about his involvement with the Greens? It's hardly surprising that a knowledge of the research would lead some people in that direction. You seem to be implying that someone expressing a political view is in itself problematic for their research... is there a politics you think scientists should have as private individuals?

I am not sure quite why you are so hostile and aggressive on the subject. There is really no need.


I am not sure quite why you are so hostile and aggressive on the subject. There is really no need.

I am really not. You weighed into me describing my (very general and non-controversial) comments as ''airy''. Then you suggested that I might improve my understanding by reading RC. Then you suggested that I might bring CC down by engaging in libel. But it was really only your description of ''the travesty'' of my posts being a deliberate attempt to mislead others'' that led me to call you self-important.

But you know what, it really doesn't matter what I think of you. The main thing is that you're OK with it.

I don't really agree with your other 5 points either, but am losing the will to live here... gonna jump on my bike instead. Let me just be clear that I have no issues with the Green Party, and as to making too many assumptions - pot, kettle and black.


What you believe is immaterial...

What I believe kind of matters to me :wacko:

A bit more than what you are interested in, in fact. You can believe what you like about Mann, it really makes no difference to anything.

You and jonesy seem to think that you are conducting some kind of court hearing, and that some of us are obliged to present you with evidence to strengthen our ''weak case''. I have news for you - you're not, and I am not.

A second person in two posts to accuse me of being insulting. Really? I've re-read my post, and I just don't see the insult :wacko:

I know that ''self-imporatnt'' is kinda insulting, if you don't see yourself that way, but I just don't see anything insulting in my last post towards you. But if I have caused you insult inadvertently then you have my apologies.


De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
Cn we stop this cross fire stuff and lose the egos.

VamP, FM, Jonesy and User482 have a lot of information and more expertise than most that I find both interesting and informative. I want to continue to be able to enjoy gaining more insight into the problems and contribute in my own way- this won't happen you don't agree to differ and discuss the subject itself.


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
Clash of the Climate Titans - its a fascinating thread. Keep it up chaps! :thumbsup:

Not according to FlyingMonkey (hope I'm not leaving myself open to libel here!):

What a depressingly stupid thread.

Now if I found a thread to be depressingly stupid, I wouldn't waste my time reading it; never mind posting on it.

Having started the thread I soon bailed out as it is clear there are folks on here with far more knowledge and insight of the subject, from both sides of the fence. I am enjoying learning more about the subject, but remain cynical about the politicians cherry-picking the bits of research that it suits them to believe.


You've also got to consider everyone's financial interests too - including the scientific community who's grants are hard won, but often quite substantial.

Then there's the egos of those who feel research brings prestige; and in the middle of all the money, power, and political manoeuvring there is some actual real science.

To back 40 years and you wouldn't be able to raise beans for a 'Green' project - very different now!!

It's an interesting topic and we have some knowledgeable people involved - maybe widen the scope and look to the future a bit and you'd move it onto a less contentious plateau (and yes, the irony of using "less" contentious about environmental science was deliberate!! :smile:)

Shaun :biggrin:


What I believe kind of matters to me :wacko:

A bit more than what you are interested in, in fact. You can believe what you like about Mann, it really makes no difference to anything.

You and jonesy seem to think that you are conducting some kind of court hearing, and that some of us are obliged to present you with evidence to strengthen our ''weak case''. I have news for you - you're not, and I am not.

A second person in two posts to accuse me of being insulting. Really? I've re-read my post, and I just don't see the insult :wacko:

I know that ''self-imporatnt'' is kinda insulting, if you don't see yourself that way, but I just don't see anything insulting in my last post towards you. But if I have caused you insult inadvertently then you have my apologies.
As I said earlier, I have no view on Mann. Nothing you have presented is in the slightest bit persuasive, so I still have no view on Mann.

If you wish for your claim that Mann is a liar and a cheat to be taken seriously, then show where he has lied and cheated. Otherwise you're just some guy on the internet with a grudge.




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I don't really agree with your other 5 points either, but am losing the will to live here... gonna jump on my bike instead. Let me just be clear that I have no issues with the Green Party, and as to making too many assumptions - pot, kettle and black.

So you make accusations and claims then can't back them up, imply greater knowledge but can't demonstrate it, and refuse to respond to refutations of your previous claims or to answer reasonable questions. It is interesting how in these circumstances riding your bike becomes something that beckons in a way that it apparently didn't before... enjoy the fresh air!


I sat through a lecture by Jonathon Porritt last year. Is the concensus in the climate change camp that he has lost the plot or still talks a lot of sense ?

Oh, Hi anyway FM, How are you coping with the Canadian winters so far ?
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