You'll be absolutely fine. It's worth doing a few long, steady rides to get you used to more hours in the saddle.So the sportive calendar for me this year looks like the following: April 8th Tour De Bristol first tour so doing the 30 mile option. Following that it will be the Black Rat 85k Piccolofondo on May 21st and then the Sodbury Sportive 60 mile route on August 13th. (gradually increasing the mileage with each new sportive) This is my training: I commute each day 5 days per week on average 15 mile per day. I am trying to introduce weekend runs and over the xmas period I did 2 x 30 milers (one of these involved the rather steep climb up to Lansdown racecourse Bath) I had no trouble cycling 30 miles and could easily have continued on....so what more do I need to do to prepare myself for some of the climbs I might face on the sportives I have suggested? Anyone who has ridden could you tell me how hard they are?