The scene towards the end where Brad has injected himself with a zombie-fooling pathogen and then walks down a corridor towards a seething mass of blood-curdling, victim-chomping zombs... They rush maniacally towards him. Would they be able to see him, or would the recently-injected pathogen hide him from their ferocious gaze? The answer is, they
couldn't see him - praise the merciful Lord! (The same merciful one who authorised the original zombie plague in the first place, but let's not be nit-pickers!

) So, Brad has to look incredibly anxious as the zombs race past him. Now you might think that it would be hard to keep a straight face as extras tarted up to look like the meanest m*-f* predators on the planet are colliding with him in their haste to run to the
product placement soft drinks machine behind him, and evidently you are right... One zomb almost knocked Brad off his feet and I spotted just a hint of a smile start to appear on his face, but professional actor that he is, he soon got it under control and started looking really worried again... I watched that scene several times, and he was definitely struggling not to laugh. I wonder how many times they had to shoot that one!