What film did you watch last night?

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Legendary Member
We're the Millers. 6/10. Funny in parts, enjoyable seeing Jennifer Anniston in her knickers and hearing her profanities but what could have been a good film ends up a moralising, USA USA USA-type of mess. Still, it was the best one around last night.

But may I STRONGLY recommend the brilliant MacGruber! I first watched it in mounting incredulity wondering firstly WHY they would make a film like that and secondly HOW they got away with making a film like that and thirdly, just how did it miss out on all the Oscars?

Seriously, if and when you see this film around, DO EVERYTHING IN YOUR POWERS TO SEE IT! You will thank me eternally for putting you on to this.

Once again, MacGruber!


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
Last night i watched Town on Trial (1957), starring John Mills... not bad, not great... but does have an excellent set for the steeple scene at the end... and features one line that is so shockingly misogynistic I can't believe it was ever considered acceptable. A young woman is about to be murdered outside 'a dance', camera cuts to inside the ballroom and everyone hears her scream. Band leader jovially says "Probably just some dame saying 'no'... take it away fellas!" The band starts up and everybody dances :eek:


Legendary Member
Seconded. Although the same was said about Watchmen and that's a damn fine film.

An outstanding film in my view. Quite slow (in a good way), stunning to look at, and brings out the comic book sorry, graphic novel style extremely well. And to make a genuinely intelligent film about super-heroes is really quite something.That said, whilst I walked out the cinema utterly enthralled, a chap in front of me commented to his mate "well that's two hours wasted" - so there's no accounting for (lack of) taste.

A superior film - but anyone expecting Superman 2 or whatever is likely to be disapointed


Last night i watched Town on Trial (1957), starring John Mills... not bad, not great... but does have an excellent set for the steeple scene at the end... and features one line that is so shockingly misogynistic I can't believe it was ever considered acceptable. A young woman is about to be murdered outside 'a dance', camera cuts to inside the ballroom and everyone hears her scream. Band leader jovially says "Probably just some dame saying 'no'... take it away fellas!" The band starts up and everybody dances :eek:
Ah, the good old days,none of this 'political correctness' nonsense.


Kevin And Perry Go Large, not for the first time but still never fails to raise a titter.

Now my 15 year old lad's got a Netflix feed on his new phone he's noticed I've watched it and is currently enjoying it himself. :smile:


Leg End Member


It's a bleedin' miracle!
Rorke's Drift
I watched a spaghetti western on Movies 4 men. " Today It's Me, Tomorrow It's You" with Bud Spencer. It was quite a good film, better than a lot of second string spaghetti westerns, and with a catchy theme tune.


We're the Millers. 6/10. Funny in parts, enjoyable seeing Jennifer Anniston in her knickers and hearing her profanities but what could have been a good film ends up a moralising, USA USA USA-type of mess. Still, it was the best one around last night.

But may I STRONGLY recommend the brilliant MacGruber! I first watched it in mounting incredulity wondering firstly WHY they would make a film like that and secondly HOW they got away with making a film like that and thirdly, just how did it miss out on all the Oscars?

Seriously, if and when you see this film around, DO EVERYTHING IN YOUR POWERS TO SEE IT! You will thank me eternally for putting you on to this.

Once again, MacGruber!

I remember years ago heading to the video shop and my m8 said he had just handed back a great film and I should get it , was called Dragnet , so am no falling for that again :thumbsup:
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