What film did you watch last night?

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The Gentlemen.

Obviously a Guy Richie film, and very entertaining, until the end credits I didn't even know that Hugh Grant was in it which I suppose he should take as a compliment.

One of his better ones, 6/10.


Slippery scientist
Midway. It's essentially Pearl Harbor Revisited; based on reality but with plenty of unreal exploits. It outlines the history of the Midway battle well but isn't strong on realism. 5/10.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
The Gentlemen.

Obviously a Guy Richie film, and very entertaining, until the end credits I didn't even know that Hugh Grant was in it which I suppose he should take as a compliment.

One of his better ones, 6/10.
I though Hug Grant was fab in the movie. And like you didn't realise it was him.


The Barbarian Invasions - French-Canadian tale of a professor in the final stretch, reminiscences and reflections and a Canadian Enn Haitch Ess that seems even creekier than ours. Great script, brilliantly acted and directed - funny & moving by turns. Irredeemably French in its implicit assumption that The Good Life - for men at least - means good food, good wine, rich and exciting experiences and, most importantly, lots & lots of sex with lots & lots of women.


back and brave
The Sparks Brothers

A documentary film about Sparks... Ron & Russell Mael reveal all about their 50 year career in the music industry.

Loved it, but then again, i love Sparks :okay:

I watched it last night. I thought it was excellent.

Tbh, I didn't realise that they had quite such a volume of work, and had been travelling their own road for so long. It put their work in a entirely different light for me. I knew of them, and a couple of their (hit) songs, but this documentary film has made me interested in listening to more.


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
I watched it last night. I thought it was excellent.

Tbh, I didn't realise that they had quite such a volume of work, and had been travelling their own road for so long. It put their work in a entirely different light for me. I knew of them, and a couple of their (hit) songs, but this documentary film has made me interested in listening to more.
same here. I thought they were a 2 or 3 hit wonder band until it was announced that they were playing 21 consecutive nights at The Roundhouse, each night playing one of their 21 albums :eek: I figured i had to pay them a lot more attention than i previously had!


As long as I breathe, I attack.
In the middle of watching Dune , very good special effects and they did a pretty good job of conveying the story although its didnt grip me enough to think its was as good as some people seem to think it is .


Legendary Member
Watched Rush last night about the epic James Hunt V Niki Lauda F1 season of 1976

That's really rather good isn't it? Granted it plays fast and loose with some of the facts - eg Lauda and Hunt were friends and had previously shared digs at some point, but still seemed to be "true to the general gist" so to speak


Legendary Member
Midway. It's essentially Pearl Harbor Revisited; based on reality but with plenty of unreal exploits. It outlines the history of the Midway battle well but isn't strong on realism. 5/10.

Is this the recent remake, which I avoided based on the ropey looking trailer?

The original Robert Mitchum, Henry Fondac Charlton Heston, Toshiro Mifune version from 1976 is excellent!


Legendary Member
Boiling Point - Hitchcock once said a good movie should start with an earthquake and the tension should only go up after that - Boiling Point almost gave me PTSD from the first scene. Shot in a single, 90 min take in restaurant it is one of the most stressful movies I have ever seen. Graham is great as a headchef on a cusp of mental breakdown. All the classic tropes from real high end kitchens are present: obnoxious customers, primadonna sommeliers, hated management, drug use among the staff - too real if you have ever worked In fine dining.
Very, very, very good film

Just saw it this evening. Agree 100%.
I would add that all the potentially cliched characters are made real. The annoying customers start off OK but gradually get obnoxious due to various perceived minor slights, albeit there may be a racist angle, and the bossy maitre d' is herself struggling. Particularly good is the team are attacking each other one minute, but covering for or defending each other the next.

Outstanding !
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