What film did you watch last night?

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Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Watched the first half of MoneyBall with Brad Pitt last night.
Baseball movie. Was very impressed with what I did see.
Will watch the second half tonight.


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
I never watched the original Sweeney so had nothing to compare it to, but as far as "cops n robbers" films go it was pretty weak.

In that case Sandra, your homework for the foreseeable future is to watch some of the original Sweeney. Before the Sweeney aired in 1975, UK cop shows were all about honest coppers like those in Z-cars and good old Dixon of Dock Green. Jack & George put an end to all that. Not that they were 'bent', they just bent the rules to catch the baddies. Great telly, great cast, great stories, great cinematography, great theme tune... honest!


Legendary Member
Dredd.......................Had it's moments, but very very gory (including mostly in slo-mo!) 5 out of 10 and i'm being generous there i think


In that case Sandra, your homework for the foreseeable future is to watch some of the original Sweeney. Before the Sweeney aired in 1975, UK cop shows were all about honest coppers like those in Z-cars and good old Dixon of Dock Green. Jack & George put an end to all that. Not that they were 'bent', they just bent the rules to catch the baddies. Great telly, great cast, great stories, great cinematography, great theme tune... honest!
Spot on! The only thing you missed was the original credits - absolutely revolutionary, and head & shoulders above anything that came before. A series of gritty B/W stills, set against one of the best ever theme tunes, the opening ones were all go go action; the closing ones, detailing the end of a day at work. Fantastic!

EDIT: Just found 'em on Youtube:

View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3TzzM-DcUo

View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fspz4PTEpy0

(Doing which has reminded me that there were effectively two great themes, the closer being played at half the pace of the opener.)
Watched Ocean's Eleven (The remake with George Clooney et all.) on DVD last night. It's an alright film to pass the night away when you don't want to think too much.


Nacho Libre! :laugh:


it can't rain all the time....
Hythe, Kent, UK
just watched ´Beyond the Black Rainbow´ and i have to say after a diet of main-stream films for the last few years this was a pleasant surprise. utterly stunning visuals and soundtrack

The Dictator.

Biggest load of rubbish I've seen in a long time. If you liked Sacha Baron Cohen as Borat expect to be disappointed with this one.

Cletus Van Damme

Previously known as Cheesney Hawks
District 9


A gloriously sardonic commentary on the intellectual inadequecy of the human species. ^_^

District 9 is an awesome film way better than the dross that Hollywood keep churning out. I thought that they would of been a sequel to it as Christopher said that he would pick up Wikus in 3 years. Still they might make a shoot sequel and ruin it. I need to re-watch it soon, great sci-fi film way better than garbage Prometheus which must of had a much bigger budget and has famous actors.
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