A friends beloved dog died recently. He was lovely; I was genuinely sad to hear the news.
... But am I a bad person for nearly PMSL at the FB comments from acquaintances; you can guess the kind of ****; it's all about 'beloved fur babies' and 'you have a puppy angel now'.
I have no soul.
There are far too many words used to make something/someone dying sound less like dying
I used to have a dog - she died - that is what happened
I didn;t have a furbaby - she didn't pass over (nor did my Mum and Dad) they died - dog and Mum and Dad
anything else is wrong - no matter what your beliefs - if you go to heaven (or hell) then you die first
Passed over annoys me because it sounds like you take a trip
I don;t really think lessening it helps - using the right words helps people accept thins
- actually same concept was said by a Nurse who gave us a lecture on Child Abuse when I was a teacher
spotting it - not doing it before some wag (who may or may not have been in the Police at some point!) asks!!!
anyway - she was ona mission for people to use the correct terms for things
because they had a huge problem because kids - especially girls - had loads of different words for different parts of the body
and sometimes different people would use the same word to refer to a different part
so when they interviewed a possible abuse victim (or worse!) then the victim might say she (or he) was touched on their xxx
but then the word xxx could be interpreted to mean several different things to different people
but the person talking to the victim knows damn well what they mean - but can also see how the statement they have is not enough
which a lawyer could use to get an abuser off due to confusion
so - looking at the thread title - annoying thing in English - using the wrong word for something rather than using the correct word