totally love finishline dry lube,really keeps the chain clean,but after using it have went back to finishline wet lube cross country,the weather in this country does not make it cost effective to use a dry lube.
PIck up a bag of recycle cloths for about a tenner janitorial supplies,mickle the chain
get an old piece of carpet or car mat ,turn the bike upside down take of rear wheel and run a cloth thru the cassette
very rarely degrease as I do this method everytime I take the bike out,only takes mins
.If the bike frame is carry very little dirt I wipe it down with baby wipes,if a lot of road dirt then I use a garden pump sprayer with hot water,takes most of the dirt off,then just a light wipe with soft cloth,finish off with some mister sheen ,all done in a relaxing 30 mins