betty swollocks
large member
Just had to post this to notch up my 300th post.
Dave Davenport said:It would be interesting to do a comparison of qualifications against earnings. Whilst not wanting to get into a 'I am considerably richer than you' type scenario I've got a feeling I might earn a fair bit more than some people on here who've got heaps of academic qualifications.
betty swollocks said:Already we're seeing what a talented bunch we are.
Kirstie said:Oh probably. Even though I have lots of qualificiations, I'm an academic and at the end of the day I'm a public sector worker. I earn reasonable money, but get absolutely no fringe benefits whatsoever - no bonuses, health benefits, nothing, apart from a pension. Some of my colleagues in very applied subjects get to earn shedloads from consultancy and exec teaching, and occasionally if you write a best selling textbook you can also get big royalties, so it's not the same for everyone. I'm not really in it for the money and I'm comfortable enough.
Flying_Monkey said:Same here. I generally like doing what I do.
I have: 3 O levels, 2 AO levels, quite a few GCSEs (can't remember how many), 4 A levels (but one is in Art), BA, MSc, PhD. I also have a permaculture design certificate, which was much more fun to get than any of the others (incidental sex aside...).
TheDoctor said:The interview I went to last week (if I ever hear back from the ruddy agency)should give me an extra few thousand, and save about the same in traveling costs. That'll do me. If I can get a job there, working a mile away from home, on an area of technology that's interested me since the Apollo program, I'll be happy.