What are your lock down plans

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Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
Learn the Harmonica
Remember it's also very important that your neighbours stay at home.


Legendary Member
Thanks for quoting that advice vickster - relevant to my exchange with hoopdriver on the cycling and virus thread. So i feel in the clear will carry on with my brief outdoor chats. I wouldn't dream of going to a gym in these times. Mind you i wouldn't dream of going to a gym in other times.
@skipdiver this is a pretty nice place these days - i don't see any gratuitous virtue posing going on. You need to change your attitude and behavior. This is serious.

Ps, the tennis ok made me smile :smile:
I had to collect my brother and SIL from Heathrow, it was very empty especially the carpark, eerie!
I had a coffee with a friend outdoors yesterday (cycled there, coffee from Waitrose, hands antibacced before and after) - we are both well and sat a distance apart on a bench.
I also saw a friend who desperately needed to talk, we sat a distance apart in her lounge and I didn't touch anything and washed hands.
I'll see people later when I go to give blood.

I've not deliberately touched anyone for a week I think, including my parents :sad:


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Is it irresponsible to go for a solo bike ride with no stops other than on the roadside? No contact with anyone else until I get back home.
I don't think it would cause problems and I therefore intend to continue doing it (solo, and no stops) as long as it is 'allowed'. That is what I posted above, which prompted SkipdiverJohn to say that he knows best and would do what the hell he wants to do!

I will respect any possible changes to the law in this respect even if I don't agree with them. This is not the time for "I know my rights", it is the time for "doing the right thing" even if we don't like it!


Legendary Member
Lay paving around raised beds.
extend, widen and cut curves into a slab path.
Create a new veg bed
sow veg seed
plant spuds into large tubs
play guitar
take photos
get rid of old crap photos
check on neighbours
wash/clean car inside and out
wash and service bikes
bake bread
paint watercolours
make driftwood houses
Drink coffee.

Then go back to work for a rest!
And what will you do the next day?


Legendary Member
Have been retired 10 years now (where the hell has that gone) but some time ago decided to pay others to do my jobs while I/we enjoy cycling, golfing, walking, bird watching etc.
Most of those look like being curtailed so I am having to rethink.
My problem is.... I have always been useless with practical things and 10 years later i'm going to be even worse :sad:
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Obviously an Aubergine

Hippity Hoppity Bidet to you @raleighnut :okay:


Look :rolleyes: a whole band of aubergines to entertain you ..

as you can see some of us have been having to 'make our own fun' in the country - for quite some time already ...

Guess i'll just have to keep on 'working from home' doing some farming then :whistle:

Most yoga classes are on hold for now - until i organise some outdoor / online ones.

I might even tidy the office...

... ha - who am i kidding ??

There's very nice heathland commons stretching for miles - from here to the sea - lots of 'playing out' space right on the doorstep -
- how lucky is that ??

Oh, and a bit of helping out in the community, with food deliveries to the vulnerable, and suchlike for those more virtuous moments :angel:
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