What are your lock down plans

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Here in France we are under strict conditions on movement. I have a huge to do list so boredom will not be a problem. For the moment we can exercise outside alone. I have a 10k route that is within my commune so will do that 2 or 3 times a day to keep everything ticking over.

Is it correct about shopping/ going out only one member of the family at a time.


Legendary Member
Sorry to hear you are also having an extended stay in the pits.

Without trying to divert the thread too much, it's the waste of time which is as annoying as anything.

The last few months of my life have effectively been wasted by being ill.

All the more annoying because when 60 is a lot closer than 50 you haven't got so many months (alright, years) left to waste.

Those put into lock down - if the period is a long one - may come to feel the same.
I've been off work for over 6yrs now in chronic pain daily with the leg.

On another note this is shaping up to be the worst birthday ever. :cursing:

Hugh Manatee

I have a Big birthday at the end of summer. I was hoping to get fitter for it than the one ten years (or even one year) ago. If we aren't supposed to go out, I will set the rollers up on the lawn. other than that:
- I have a workshop in the garage including a lathe and scroll saw that I want to learn/improve on.
- Knife making including the wooden handled folders I got the lathe for. Well, as long as I have forge gas to heat treat.
- Fly tying. Anyone want a couple of trout flies?
- Tidy the house. Even full time, this will take up most of the year!


Charming but somewhat feckless
I haven't got any virus symptoms - and in any case I don't go round sneezing and coughing all over other people, so no-one is going to be catching it from me anyway.

I am a part of society, which is why I intend to continue to go out and socialise as normal. If you want to lock yourself away for a few weeks or months, go ahead and enjoy. Just don't expect me to do it because it ain't gonna happen. Everyone I socialise with is of exactly the same mindset - none of us are going to stop our usual routines and sit indoors. The pensioners I know are actually the most indignant out of us all at any suggestion they should isolate themselves.

Nice to know you don’t give a shít about anyone but yourself.

You don’t care about the elderly, you don’t care about the sick, and you certainly don’t give a rat’s arse about all of the healthcare professionals being stretched and stressed to breaking point as they care for people your behaviour is putting in hospital.

Well done John, you must be proud.


Working from home, so most of the time will unchanged except for the location. Work has used MS Teams for some time and we all connect on a regular basis, UK, Sweden, Russia, Poland and Netherlands. Today, I see my male colleagues are beating boredom by growing beards, I might try that!

A serious question after reading the flack Skipdiverjohn is getting. Is it irresponsible to go for a solo bike ride with no stops other than on the roadside? No contact with anyone else until I get back home.


Legendary Member
A serious question after reading the flack Skipdiverjohn is getting. Is it irresponsible to go for a solo bike ride with no stops other than on the roadside? No contact with anyone else until I get back home.
This is one thing I am hoping will remain ok, along with my very early morning walks when I never meet another soul. Surely it can do no harm?

Pale Rider

Legendary Member
I've been off work for over 6yrs now in chronic pain daily with the leg.

On another note this is shaping up to be the worst birthday ever. :cursing:

Bloody hell.

Puts my position into perspective.

I didn't even realise you could be off work for six years.

My lot would probably lose patience log before.


Legendary Member
Working from home, so most of the time will unchanged except for the location. Work has used MS Teams for some time and we all connect on a regular basis, UK, Sweden, Russia, Poland and Netherlands. Today, I see my male colleagues are beating boredom by growing beards, I might try that!

A serious question after reading the flack Skipdiverjohn is getting. Is it irresponsible to go for a solo bike ride with no stops other than on the roadside? No contact with anyone else until I get back home.
Cycling alone or at least 2m from anyone else seems to be perfectly ok. It's just groups and cafe stops that are to be avoided.
Gyms and pools are open with the same advice to keep distance.


If you are under 70 with no underlying conditions you can still be active outside as long as you stay at least two metres (three paces) away from other people. So walking the dog (or even your neighbour's dog), going for a run or going for a bike ride are all fine - provided you keep your distance.

Public spaces such as swimming pools and gyms are not banned - but if you use them, be sure their equipment and surfaces have been thoroughly cleaned. And of course you can do your bit cleaning any equipment you use. Dr Foster says it's preferable to exercise outside.

Team sports are not advised for now - but tennis is ok for the moment as long as you wash your hands first, don't shake hands afterwards and keep your distance.

If you are over 70 and self-isolating, pregnant or have an underlying health condition, but feel well, you can also go outside with the same caveat of keeping your distance from others.

Skippy has a F-you attitude, I'm not going to change anything, keep going to pubs etc.

A thought, if he stopped boozing for a bit, perhaps he could afford a decent new bike :dry::unsure:


Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
I haven't got any virus symptoms - and in any case I don't go round sneezing and coughing all over other people, so no-one is going to be catching it from me anyway.

I am a part of society, which is why I intend to continue to go out and socialise as normal. If you want to lock yourself away for a few weeks or months, go ahead and enjoy. Just don't expect me to do it because it ain't gonna happen. Everyone I socialise with is of exactly the same mindset - none of us are going to stop our usual routines and sit indoors. The pensioners I know are actually the most indignant out of us all at any suggestion they should isolate themselves.
Imagine thinking that this is what it means to be a part of society. Except you don't, do you? You're using 'society' as an excuse for your own selfish behaviour.

People are dying. Many more people will die. Some of us don't have a choice, we have to go out to work. We're about to be overwhelmed here, if you have a choice please make a wise one. For the good of the society you profess to be a part of.
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Hello decadence
Working from home, so most of the time will unchanged except for the location. Work has used MS Teams for some time and we all connect on a regular basis, UK, Sweden, Russia, Poland and Netherlands. Today, I see my male colleagues are beating boredom by growing beards, I might try that!

A serious question after reading the flack Skipdiverjohn is getting. Is it irresponsible to go for a solo bike ride with no stops other than on the roadside? No contact with anyone else until I get back home.
Go for it!! I’ve just seen Chris Whitty on TV saying we should all get out, if we can, and take some exercise.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Working from home, but can't see productivity being much - everything has ground to a halt.

Need to repaint the roof barge boards (horrible job), wash conservatory, got spare front tyres for Mrs F's car, but I'll get fitted as and when - no real need at the moment.


Legendary Member
I'm spending a lot of time on the Brompton bike builder website. I'm designing my ideal folding bike (which I haven't the money to buy or the space to keep). I'm trying to make it as expensive as possible. My spouse, the Prof, is giving me dirty looks.........

Dream on! :smile:...... I'm thinking of learning wheel building, never done it before so it could keep me amused for a couple of weeks. Binge watching YouTube at moment.
Cycling alone or at least 2m from anyone else seems to be perfectly ok. It's just groups and cafe stops that are to be avoided.
Gyms and pools are open with the same advice to keep distance.


If you are under 70 with no underlying conditions you can still be active outside as long as you stay at least two metres (three paces) away from other people. So walking the dog (or even your neighbour's dog), going for a run or going for a bike ride are all fine - provided you keep your distance.

Public spaces such as swimming pools and gyms are not banned - but if you use them, be sure their equipment and surfaces have been thoroughly cleaned. And of course you can do your bit cleaning any equipment you use. Dr Foster says it's preferable to exercise outside.

Team sports are not advised for now - but tennis is ok for the moment as long as you wash your hands first, don't shake hands afterwards and keep your distance.

If you are over 70 and self-isolating, pregnant or have an underlying health condition, but feel well, you can also go outside with the same caveat of keeping your distance from others.

Skippy has a F-you attitude, I'm not going to change anything, keep going to pubs etc.

A thought, if he stopped boozing for a bit, perhaps he could afford a decent new bike :dry::unsure:
Thanks for quoting that advice vickster - relevant to my exchange with hoopdriver on the cycling and virus thread. So i feel in the clear will carry on with my brief outdoor chats. I wouldn't dream of going to a gym in these times. Mind you i wouldn't dream of going to a gym in other times.
@skipdiver this is a pretty nice place these days - i don't see any gratuitous virtue posing going on. You need to change your attitude and behavior. This is serious.

Ps, the tennis ok made me smile :smile:
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