Sat here in batters court in hackney writing this . Just had a very nice 14 oz Angus steak for less than14 quid including a cider. Ok the lunchtime clientele have certificates with them for attending alcohol awareness courses but they keep to themselves. Lots of kids but none running round like banshees. Food was good beer was good nothing to complain about .
With a score of 5 stars on the FSA rating scheme and holding this for several years , it would seem they never did in this one. Still if people want to be sniffy as it is a chain then knock yerself outSo they've got the cockroach situation under control then?
With a score of 5 stars on the FSA rating scheme and holding this for several years , it would seem they never did in this one. Still if people want to be sniffy as it is a chain then knock yerself out
I am sick of constantly hearing this ludicrous statement. It is no more than a knee jerk statement. They have over 800 huge pubs, there is a nil possibility of them being able to find a significant amount of beer close to its sell by date to allow them to keep prices down.They buy beer close to the expiry date, so get it cheap.