I dont know about the rest of you,but one cost saving strategy evident in both the Carlisle outlets(W"spoon & Lloyds)and indeed on at least one occasion in The Union Rooms,Newcastle,is the apparent policy of turning the lighting down to a level such that the customers are drinking by Braille as it were.As the wall is lined with books,almost all in German and seemingly sourced from "60s East Germany,it often strikes me as funny as well as a pest....also,you cant see whom you are fighting!The decor in Lloyds is also a bit odd.Theres what one might term a "middle class"drinking area,all leatherette sofas and with leatherette cushion covers on the walls,and a more utilitarian,standing table area,all hard edges, for the rude mechanicals presumably,as if the division was between those who work seated and those who work at a bench.Looks quite odd.One thing though,it takes 2 staff less time to serve people in Lloyds than the 5 in the "spoons,and thats where you lose money,when the customers go elsewhere however good/cheap your beer.