hmmm, latest from the BBC news site is that:
"No-one was injured in the fire, which firefighters said started in an area containing deep fat fryers"
The owners are "absolutely devastated". As is the pier...
Terrible shame. There's something about a pier that sums up the British seaside, a little bit tacky, innocent, timeless. Awful timing too for people employed there - presumably a lot more people earn from itin high summer than in off season.
Good news, apart from the lack of casualites is that "The foundations of the structure, which is supported by iron girders, were said to be sound and not at risk of collapse." So it looks like it could b rebuilt, if the money's forcoming...
Piers do seem to have a habit of burning down, or is it just the case that we tend to notice coincidences and that actually piers only burn down proportionately as often as houses or shops or whatnot...