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- Suburban Poshshire
And to think the Tsar Bomba was modified so it only went pop at about half its nomimal yield, as they were frightened of irradiating the planet.
I know someone will moan about my redneck tendenies, but I love atom bombs. Obviously not when they're dropped on people or the like, I just find them fascinating.
Here is a question why do they all look like mushrooms when they go off,my bonfire night fireworks don't look like mushrooms.
Already been said by DragoThe really scary thing about Tsar Bomba, was that it was actually running at half it’s designed yield. The Russians used a lead tamper in the secondary, if they’d used a Uranium tamper the yield could have been 100 MT. they didn’t, because they were genuinely scared of causing an E.L.E.
And to think the Tsar Bomba was modified so it only went pop at about half its nomimal yield, as they were frightened of irradiating the planet.
The way the UK is going, all I see in my head is...V for Vendetta.
It's MAD in'titI do like how a thread about world decline morphs into a discussion about the merits of various bombs: it's as though the irony is too painful to see.
My training ride takes me past a Carmelite convent in the Lower Derwent Valley most weeks. Once upon a time, my work took me to their door in winter to deliver firewood: the one nun who had a dispensation to talk dealt with me in an anteroom, leaving me with tea and biscuit while she went off for the log payment. Later, a terrier of mine got lost nearby while digging for rabbits, and I had to call in to hunt through the grounds for him. Again, I was left in the anteroom to wait for someone's consent to roam.
Although raised Catholic, I am an atheist.
From what little I understand of the world, I feel somehow that the balance of order will swing back to positive in time. That these fine people thinking and praying and doing good things, and hanging out prayer flags and leaving lads with tea in anterooms and stopping to help when a man needs an inner tube and opening a door for someone and so forth; that this will bring balance to what appears to be chaos.
Or we are doomed.
One or t'other...
The ice age is coming, the sun's zooming in ...
Here is a question why do they all look like mushrooms when they go off,my bonfire night fireworks don't look like mushrooms.
Mushroom clouds are formed by many sorts of large explosions under earth's gravity, but they are best known for their appearance after nuclear detonations. Without gravity, the explosive's by-product gases would remain spherical. Nuclear weapons are usually detonated above the ground (not upon impact, because some of the energy would be dissipated by the ground motions), to maximize the effect of their spherically expanding fireball and blast wave. Immediately after the detonation, the fireball begins to rise into the air, acting on the same principle as a hot-air balloon.
One way to analyze the motion, once the hot gas has cleared the ground sufficiently, is as a 'spherical cap bubble',as this gives agreement between the rate of rise and observed diameter.
As it rises, a Rayleigh–Taylor instability is formed, and air is drawn upwards and into the cloud (similar to the updraft of a chimney), producing strong air currents known as "afterwinds", while, inside the head of the cloud, the hot gases rotate in a toroidal shape. When the detonation altitude is low enough, these afterwinds will draw in dirt and debris from the ground below to form the stem of the mushroom cloud.
After the mass of hot gases reaches its equilibrium level, the ascent stops, and the cloud starts flattening the characteristic mushroom shape, usually aided by surface growth due to the decaying turbulence.
I'd love to witness a nuclear explosion, albeit from a safe distance! Let's hope Uncle Vlad doesn't oblige.