Went the day well?

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slow scot

Mr M got to see a GP this morning.
Well checked over and given steroids, which should hopefully make him feel better soon :smile:
Seems a virus has made his mild asthma play up and having a cold hasn’t helped.
He was told to report back if the pills don’t start to work soon, also if breathing gets any worse to call an ambulance :ohmy:
He’s not going to the football this afternoon, feet up and plenty to watch on TV.
I’ll save my bike ride until tomorrow, don’t want to leave him on his own.
Many thanks for the advice and good wishes, what a fab bunch you all are!
Hope the Dons do ok without him.


Went good. My mother hosted as she says it'll be her last Christmas in the old family home. But having spent 2 years with her looking at places in Otley & Skipton, l finally realised she has no intention of bleeding moving. Was ma, MrsF & our 3 adult kids.

Was working till 3:30pm so Xmas dinner was moved to 4, working also meant l missed not only the MIL's morning visit but BIL & SIL too. Ace.:smile:

But l didn't eat anything till 4, drank like a fish and was in bed for 9:30! Games were played, nobody fell out & everybody had a good time.:okay:

I still haven't opened my presents, l don't know whether to do so soon, or, carry on watching Brentford v Swansea, drinking cava & feeling the tension rise further.....


Midlands UK
Trust your diet of the day wasn't just the box of biscuits?

Went good. My mother hosted as she says it'll be her last Christmas in the old family home. But having spent 2 years with her looking at places in Otley & Skipton, l finally realised she has no intention of bleeding moving. Was ma, MrsF & our 3 adult kids.

Was working till 3:30pm so Xmas dinner was moved to 4, working also meant l missed not only the MIL's morning visit but BIL & SIL too. Ace.:smile:

But l didn't eat anything till 4, drank like a fish and was in bed for 9:30! Games were played, nobody fell out & everybody had a good time.:okay:

I still haven't opened my presents, l don't know whether to do so soon, or, ca.
Too much white plate showing though slight nouvelle influence.


Heavy Metal Fan
It was a very nice couple of days for me, apart from having a raging headache on the 25th all afternoon and evening. I blame it on the caffeine-free coke. I'm back to work today and there's only two of us in. I was grateful that all my family get on, and my partner wants to be part of it too. I'm now preparing to lose 2 stone. My preparation currently consists of eating and drinking too much.


Went well :smile:
Great food and company
Wee cause for concern though
Mr M passed out last night and has two black eyes and bruises on arms and legs
Though he was getting up for a p, heard a thud then found him on the floor
Similar happened this evening
Sitting on the sofa then coughing, leant forward then passed out, ended up on the floor
Ok now but need to see the GP ASAP :sad:
Bit worried

I passed out for the first time ever the other night as well. Went for a number one and a few coughs later I came round on the floor.

Got a stinking cold now so presume that was coming to a head, felt squiffy the day after as well.

I'd only had a couple of pints so definitely not beer related!.

Hope Mr M is ok?.


Great two days.Been in Goosnargh Near Preston In Laws,sil and our two young people.Fantastic turkey a great meal Only thing wrong was they were out to get me,the family i only had FIVE chocolates over two days.Well now i am scoffing a large bar of milk choc and chopped nuts.he he.

Mrs M

I passed out for the first time ever the other night as well. Went for a number one and a few coughs later I came round on the floor.

Got a stinking cold now so presume that was coming to a head, felt squiffy the day after as well.

I'd only had a couple of pints so definitely not beer related!.

Hope Mr M is ok?.
Mr M is doing better on steroids, thanks :smile:
He’s on holiday next week too so plenty of recovery time.
Hope you are ok, watch out when coughing though.
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