What a week. Until last night I've had every night on the sofa. Panic attacks which leave me breathless with fear, constant anxiety and bursting into tears for no reason have been the way of the week. I have managed to get out of the house a couple of times to take the kids to school which meant driving. I've always been quite happy driving, but at the moment it's no fun, I'm tense and it's uncomfortable on the legs. Walked the dogs yesterday and today too, and that really shows where the muscle loss has gone on. Still, no pain, no gain, and I need to get back up to fitness sharpish and get back to work (who have, to their credit, been excellent once more).
Still have no kitchen, although we do now have a working washing machine. Hoping I can convince my brother to come over at the weekend with Dad and put the kitchen in, at least the base units so we can get the worktop fitters in and have a sink once again....