OK...sorry to resurect this thread but I'm really fecked off with the GP surgery about this - i'm sure I said it was crap service!
Went to the GP, explained the issue with the ribcage thing. Did he ask me to lay down to see what I mean, did he even ask me to lift my shirt so he could see when I was standing up? Lord no, that would involve him raising his miserable old bulk from a nice leather chair that probably cost a week of my wages. He just lent towards me and pocked me a bit in the side...his incredibly detailed check was ended with a simple "its fine." as his prognosis.
I took the chance to talk about something else that had been concerning me, which was whether my diet was actually that healthy...yeah I'm loosing weight but everyone who knows me says theyre not suprised because I barely eat. I also have noticed that over the last few months, I seem to be more tired and irritable and also find it harder to concentrate on things. I asked if I could be referred to a surgery-based nutritionalist or a hospital one or something, what do I get, an appointment with the HCA who runs the diabetes clinic and I have to take a food diary with me.
So anyway, on Monday I had my appointment with her.
She started off by looking at the diary and complaining that I rarely eat breakfast, then skimmed over the rest didnt, seem to really take it in and just said that I might want to cut back on eggs and try getting some more fruit/eg in. So much for hoping she might analyze it a bit and offer advice on whether I'm not getting enough protein or oils or something. Maybe I should just assume it means that she doesnt think I'm missing out on anything, personally I assumed it meant she didnt realy bother looking.
I tried to argue with her a bit and say that my own personal concern is that I have, as people have suggested, begun to associate that "eating less=weight loss" and then to compound that, it means that when I have a choice of having something I like for dinner with veg, I'm having a larger percentage of the thing I like compared to the veg.
But to be fair, thats not her area...which is why I cant see why the GP sent me in her direction in the first place...so she kinda glazed over and then ploughed back into telling me I've done really well to loose the weight!
Her other advice was to take supplements, like an A-Z tablet once a day, just to make sure that I'm not lacking in anything.
So result....doctor didnt listen/understand/care and passed the buck. The HCA seemed to not care either and saved any effort of checking whether I have any deficiencies by advising to take a supplement to "fill any gaps".