Weird stomach thing?

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Well-Known Member
well........I chickened out of going to the GP! :whistle:

I'll just keep it to myself and secretly worry about it...


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
well........I chickened out of going to the GP! :whistle:

I'll just keep it to myself and secretly worry about it...

Get yer arse along to the GP mate.

Why put yourself through worry when a quick diagnosis from the Doc could put your mind at rest.
As I said before, a (good) doc really won't mind you going to see him/her and asking.


Oaf on a Bike
Its amazing when you lose weight how you see parts of your body you couldnt before (like your feet - teehee ;)). As weird as it sounds i spent a while looking at my knees which look strange to me without their fatty jacket.

Is your GP at MK hospital/Beanhill? I try to avoid going there unless im at deaths door and even then they dismiss you anyway.


dingo's kidneys
Also, maybe the other GP practice will be more amenable to taking you on now that you aren't a big fatty. I doubt they're supposed to consider things like that, but anything is possible.


Well-Known Member
Its amazing when you lose weight how you see parts of your body you couldnt before (like your feet - teehee ;)). As weird as it sounds i spent a while looking at my knees which look strange to me without their fatty jacket.

Is your GP at MK hospital/Beanhill? I try to avoid going there unless im at deaths door and even then they dismiss you anyway.

I know it should be as simple as I have never seen ribs before...or my pelvis sticking out. But seriously, that much height difference? there was a guy at the gym yesterday evening and he laid down on a benchpress thing and he was stick-thin...but his ribcage was not much taller than his hips

And no, I'm not at beanhill, I'm at Wolverton...I've never heard anyone have a good word to say about it tbh. Every doctor I've seen there shows no interest in having any kind of patient/GP raport...they dont great you as you go in, they just ask what the problem is (I've even been told to "get to the point" when trying to explain) and then write out a prescription, pass the paper over and look at you in as much to say "get out now".

I even had one of them who prescribed, for a rash thing, some cream. So off I go to get the prescription, pay £7.40 or whatever it is and I've given a tube of hydrocortisone cream that I could have bought from Boots for half that hard would it have been for the GP to just say to me I could buy some HC cream?!

I'm really tempted to see if I can get in at Stony...


Oaf on a Bike
Like me, you're probably just barrel chested or whatever they call it now. You go from being too big to get a shirt that fits, to being too weirdly shaped to find one that doesnt hang off around your waist and take up cycling/running so your thighs dont fit in any of your new smaller waisted clothes :cursing:

Ive not been to Beanhill since it moved from the hospital, last time i went with a burst appendix in 2003 and they sent me home twice with indigestion before i staggered into A&E 9 hours later and got emergency surgery. :biggrin: They also like prescribing co-codemols, ibuprofen etc.

I've heard the MK village one is quite good, but might be too far from your side of MK.


Well-Known Member
Like me, you're probably just barrel chested or whatever they call it now. You go from being too big to get a shirt that fits, to being too weirdly shaped to find one that doesnt hang off around your waist and take up cycling/running so your thighs dont fit in any of your new smaller waisted clothes :cursing:

Ive not been to Beanhill since it moved from the hospital, last time i went with a burst appendix in 2003 and they sent me home twice with indigestion before i staggered into A&E 9 hours later and got emergency surgery. :biggrin: They also like prescribing co-codemols, ibuprofen etc.

I've heard the MK village one is quite good, but might be too far from your side of MK.

Oh yeah, well thats what I'm thinking it is - barrel chestedness...quite annoying...seems I'll never be svelte...:sad:

Just tried MKVillage as their website didnt state a catchment but there is one and I'm outside it. I cant even get to stony, Purbeck or Stantonbury as none of them cover the Wolverton area...

I'm gunna have to check the NHS website...hoping there is a process whereby I can go to a GP outside of my catchment because I dont get on with my GP!!


Banned member
South West
I'm keen to lose a lot of weight but have this strange mental block that tells me I'm better off being fat, rather than thin with loose skin! Of course, being thin with loose skin is the much healthier option! My question is, if I lost 5 stone, would my skin be loose?


Well-Known Member
I'm keen to lose a lot of weight but have this strange mental block that tells me I'm better off being fat, rather than thin with loose skin! Of course, being thin with loose skin is the much healthier option! My question is, if I lost 5 stone, would my skin be loose?

I've lost just over 6 stone and I'd be lying if I said that all of your skin will go back to a "firm" state. I've been left with "bat wings" and a saggy tummy but I'm hopeful they will still improve a bit over time.


Well-Known Member
You may well get a bit of loose skin, they say its all to do with various things like age and how fast you loose the weight, how stretched the skin was to start etc.

Also I found going to the gym was invaluable for toning the flabby bits left behind! Course I say that like I'm finished on my road of weightloss...

TBH tho I dont think it should be that bad...The thing to remember is it will always look worse when you look at yourself.

But oh christ do you have to get used to people telling you you're too skinny...I dont know whether they feel they should say *something* because you've lose weight or because theyre just so used to you being a bloater that you look skinny!


Well-Known Member
Yes, also when you loose the weight, people will tell you you're too skinny, and you will not believe them.

This is very true, i'm fighting a constant battle with some of my family and friends who now think i'm too thin. The truth is I'm still overweight but I think they were so used to the super sized me they can't see that there's still a way to go.


Well-Known Member
This is very true, i'm fighting a constant battle with some of my family and friends who now think i'm too thin. The truth is I'm still overweight but I think they were so used to the super sized me they can't see that there's still a way to go.

I hear this!

Thing is, they're all like "oh but you've lost soo much weight"! and I'm like "yeah but I'm still considered obese using my BMI!"
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