Weird stomach thing?

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Well-Known Member
Hey all...

This isnt really bike related at all, but you all seem to be quite level headed an' all...I have a medical query but I dont want to go off to the GP and look like a right fool!

Ya see, since I've lost lots of weight (just over 9stone so far), I've noticed my stomach has flattened out...but now when I lay down it sinks right in! There is literally a two inch height difference between my rib cage and my stomach.......having never been this trim in my entire life, I dont actually know if thats normal!

Even when I'm standing up I curve in slightly from the bottom of my rib cage to my legs...

I was looking online (I know, I know...never trust online medical help....he says asking for online medical help!) and read about things like misaligned rib cages and exagerated sturnums and things.

Anyway here is a link to a picture to show what I mean.


Über Member
Hey all...

This isnt really bike related at all, but you all seem to be quite level headed an' all...I have a medical query but I dont want to go off to the GP and look like a right fool!

Ya see, since I've lost lots of weight (just over 9stone so far), I've noticed my stomach has flattened out...but now when I lay down it sinks right in! There is literally a two inch height difference between my rib cage and my stomach.......having never been this trim in my entire life, I dont actually know if thats normal!

Even when I'm standing up I curve in slightly from the bottom of my rib cage to my legs...

I was looking online (I know, I know...never trust online medical help....he says asking for online medical help!) and read about things like misaligned rib cages and exagerated sturnums and things.

Anyway here is a link to a picture to show what I mean.

I can't look at the photo easily from Tapatalk but all sounds normal! when you lay down your stomach will be lower than your ribcage (as in vertical height wise). Sounds like you're still getting used to a trimmer you ;)


Über Member
As an aside, work on your abs by doing crunches and various other exercises (plank, jackknife, Russian twists etc) to build up muscle on your upper stomach - this will create less of a contrast between your ribcage and your lower stomach.


Über Member
Your gp wont think of you as a fool. They have seen and heard everything, anything and more. If you feel you have a problem then go to your gp and discuss rather then do an internet diagnosis.

+1 - I've been to my GP for embarrassing queries and issues before, that's what they're there for. If you're genuinely worried then take advantage of being able to have someone properly put your mind at ease.


Well-Known Member
How did I do it? I lost about 35% of my body weight!

I know the concept that it should be lower is normal...but is just how much lower it is that worries me!

I am indeed clearly so unused to seeing bones and things dipping inwards instead of bulging out! Also, I wonder if I just have big lungs...I mean I must have some good ones as even when I first joined the gym I blew the second highest ever FVC (lung capacity) result the guy had seen!

Gotta love the internet tho, I hate the idea of going to a medically trained professional as I think they'll treat me like i'm stupid, but i'll post a half naked picture of myself on the interwebz for all to see!

I have never got on with any of the GPs in my surgery. They are all miserable, craggy old things who act like they'd rather I wasnt there taking up their time and that going to them for something that might not need treating is a waste. There is only one other surgery that I fall under the cachement of in my area, I tried joining them once and they resisted saying they were full up already...


Über Member
Always go to the doctors if you feel you need to but embarassment is stopping you. Once that mind set finds roots you're setting yourself up for issues if (god forbid) anything embarassing needs urgent attention.

Regarding lungs, people that are massively overweight do generally have stronger heart and lungs (and other major organs) as they have to work harder 24/7.


Well-Known Member
Reading, UK
Surely if you have an issue with your body that you are embarrassed to go to the doctors about the thing to do is go on that TV show with Christian Jesson or whatever he is called and show the entire nation :thumbsup:

Your photo looks pretty normal to me tho, but visit the doc if you are worried.


Well-Known Member
Surely if you have an issue with your body that you are embarrassed to go to the doctors about the thing to do is go on that TV show with Christian Jesson or whatever he is called and show the entire nation :thumbsup:

Your photo looks pretty normal to me tho, but visit the doc if you are worried.

I tweeted no reply :sad:

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
Swampy, well done on the weight loss. I can relate to your puzzlement and your dislike of doctors - never go myself if I can help it, for your same reasons.
I lost quite a bit of weight since I started this cycling carry on, nothing like you, I was only on the chubby side, but because I've never really been skinny in my life it started to feel so weird finding bones where you never thought you had bones :rolleyes: plus flat bits that had previously been well round :laugh:
Takes a few months to get used to your new figure, at first you feel like your not yourself anymore.
I think you should grind your teeth and go see the doc, he/she might find you are now a bit too skinny, advice you on maintaining your current weight without loosing more :hello:


It's fine! Even my stomach is lower than my chest when I lie on my back. Well, when I say lower, I mean the same height, or at least not higher than that, or not usually anyway although it depends on a number of things really, like the time I......................
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