Can't believe people are waxing lyrical about them. Weinmann or not those are cheap brake calipers on a cheap bike and would not have worked brilliantly well even when new.Do they even have a model code? i suspect not. If the rider is going to be attaining any useful speeds on that bike then for safety's sake either get some better calipers or at the very least fit new cables and some Aztec road brake pads which will 'upgrade' them for a few pounds and give better stopping power..Buying Swisstop pads would be extravagant to say the least on what are 'toyshop' quality brake calipers.
Oh, and if those rims are chrome, i would get rid of them, again for safety's sake.
I don't really see anybody waxing lyrical about them, most people seem to be adding major caveats to their use. Mine are so bad in the wet that I am renovating an old bike to use when it has been raining!
I've just taken a trip out to the shed, in the wet and mine are stamped type 730, so they are different from the ones pictured. The name Weinmann is also stamped on, rather than painted.
I found an early 80s bike and have wanted to keep it as original as possible, and also didn't want to spend too much money on it. I use it for a 2 mile commute and for work miles if I have to go to meetings. The only new parts have been replacement tubes and the front axle. I'm even running on 30 year old tyres. I don't know what you regard as useful speeds, but I've now done 178 miles on it, and have had it up to about 35 mph downhill.