I appear, literally to be losing size,

and some weight.
No drastic changes have been undertaken. Now I have porridge for brekkie, with skimmed milk. Lunch is whole grain (with seeds) bread, with a thin slice of (proper full fat, aka tasty) cheddar, or sardine toasted sandwich, or similar. 4pm is time for half a grapefruit, followed by a normal meal at about 6pm. Less potatoes, no alcohol, (this is a temporary measure

), no lemonade, and no crisps, no biscuits. Home made cakey edibles occasionnally. This seems to be working. Now I just need to
increase my take some exercise, and cut out the late night attacks of the munchies.
Reading back over that, it might seem drastic. I am puzzled though as to why the loss in inches, particularly around the waistline, seems out of proportion to the weight lost.
For a few months I had been counting calories, aiming for 1600 per day. This highlighted how high in calories some foods were. (For instance toast with butter

and pizzas.)