I've not posted an update for a long time so thought I'd do so now.
I didn't do so well with my weight last year, hovering around the 15st 10lbs mark. During the autumn and winter as the weather got worse, I didn't really do any cycling and the weight went up to 16st 2lbs. Then Christmas came and went and so did all the food we bought in. By 18th January I had gone up to 16st 8.8lbs. I then decided to do something about it and got back on my bike. Initially I was doing some cycling on the rollers we bought. I highly recommend getting some, particularly if like me you are disinclined to go out in the cold and wet when you don't have to - I travel to work by car (76 mile round trip to my office so not possible to cycle). I still use these on days when the weather is a bit inclement or if I get home and don't really have time to go out for a cycle somewhere, so I jump on them for a 30 minute session. I do go out on the roads when the weather isn't bad - I did 83 miles of the January 100+ miles ride that HaloJ and other CycleChat riders did, plus a 40 mile round trip to visit arallsop and when i can I cycle down to meet HaloJ from work and then cycle back again (16 mile round trip).
Since 18th Jan I've lost 8lbs and I'm currently 16st 0.6lbs. OK, it could be better and as the weather improves I hope to get this down a little quicker. I'm on the right track though and slow and steady is the way to lose weight.
For any who are interested, here are my stats since 18th January. These were gathered using the Salter scales I have already mentioned.
Date__________Weight st lbs___Body Fat %___Body Water %___Muscle Mass %___BMI____BMR kcal
18/01/2011______16 8.8__________33.5___________45.6_____________33.4_____________30.9_____2154
25/01/2011______16 5.2__________31.9___________46.5_____________34.0_____________30.4_____2132
01/02/2011______16 3.8__________31.8___________46.7_____________34.1_____________30.3_____2124
08/02/2011______16 2.4__________31.4___________46.7_____________34.1_____________30.0_____2115
16/02/2011______16 4.6__________32.5___________46.2_____________33.8_____________30.4_____2122
23/02/2011______16 2.0__________31.6___________46.7_____________34.1_____________30.0_____2106
02/03/2011______16 0.0__________31.2___________46.8_____________34.2_____________29.7_____2093
08/03/2011______16 0.6__________31.0___________47.0_____________34.3_____________29.8_____2098
I didn't do so well with my weight last year, hovering around the 15st 10lbs mark. During the autumn and winter as the weather got worse, I didn't really do any cycling and the weight went up to 16st 2lbs. Then Christmas came and went and so did all the food we bought in. By 18th January I had gone up to 16st 8.8lbs. I then decided to do something about it and got back on my bike. Initially I was doing some cycling on the rollers we bought. I highly recommend getting some, particularly if like me you are disinclined to go out in the cold and wet when you don't have to - I travel to work by car (76 mile round trip to my office so not possible to cycle). I still use these on days when the weather is a bit inclement or if I get home and don't really have time to go out for a cycle somewhere, so I jump on them for a 30 minute session. I do go out on the roads when the weather isn't bad - I did 83 miles of the January 100+ miles ride that HaloJ and other CycleChat riders did, plus a 40 mile round trip to visit arallsop and when i can I cycle down to meet HaloJ from work and then cycle back again (16 mile round trip).
Since 18th Jan I've lost 8lbs and I'm currently 16st 0.6lbs. OK, it could be better and as the weather improves I hope to get this down a little quicker. I'm on the right track though and slow and steady is the way to lose weight.
For any who are interested, here are my stats since 18th January. These were gathered using the Salter scales I have already mentioned.
Date__________Weight st lbs___Body Fat %___Body Water %___Muscle Mass %___BMI____BMR kcal
18/01/2011______16 8.8__________33.5___________45.6_____________33.4_____________30.9_____2154
25/01/2011______16 5.2__________31.9___________46.5_____________34.0_____________30.4_____2132
01/02/2011______16 3.8__________31.8___________46.7_____________34.1_____________30.3_____2124
08/02/2011______16 2.4__________31.4___________46.7_____________34.1_____________30.0_____2115
16/02/2011______16 4.6__________32.5___________46.2_____________33.8_____________30.4_____2122
23/02/2011______16 2.0__________31.6___________46.7_____________34.1_____________30.0_____2106
02/03/2011______16 0.0__________31.2___________46.8_____________34.2_____________29.7_____2093
08/03/2011______16 0.6__________31.0___________47.0_____________34.3_____________29.8_____2098