If you're trying to get on top of a booze problem Colin (and it looks like you are), what would you say to having a sticky thread here entitled 'Overcoming Drink Problems' or something on those lines?
Certainly no way do I want to start preaching or lecturing, but if you see it as something worth tackling, maybe it's also worth sharing with others with specifically the same motive.
Me: I've got almost the opposite problem, if you can call it a 'problem' - I'm virtually teetotal. Which means that on the rare occasions when there is alcoholic intake, I can take very little without being - affected. Moreover there are many opinions that complete abstinence is not the most healthy option. The odd glass of red wine with a meal is certainly considered beneficial especially for heart problems. Trouble is, I feel very little inclination to open a bottle. Except when we're in France...
Certainly no way do I want to start preaching or lecturing, but if you see it as something worth tackling, maybe it's also worth sharing with others with specifically the same motive.
Me: I've got almost the opposite problem, if you can call it a 'problem' - I'm virtually teetotal. Which means that on the rare occasions when there is alcoholic intake, I can take very little without being - affected. Moreover there are many opinions that complete abstinence is not the most healthy option. The odd glass of red wine with a meal is certainly considered beneficial especially for heart problems. Trouble is, I feel very little inclination to open a bottle. Except when we're in France...