Have followed this thread with interest since about mid 2014 (read the whole thing). Recently created an account so I'll add one more to those trying to improve their lives by sharing here if I may.
Steve - Gloucester
Age - 54
Height - 179
Build - Medium
This morning - 85kg
Target - 75kg (ideally 70 or even less, but one step at a time)
Historically - Standard skinny teen, put it on gradually over the next decades without quite knowing why or how. (who am I kidding? Beer and junk food for years...)
Start 2014 - 89 kg
Mid 2014 - 90 kg (where I started to do something about it including following along here as a lurker)
End 2014 - 82kg
Start 2015 - 81kg (Ha I've got this weight thing beaten, it's easy, no need to keep watching it, I shall now ignore that thread)
End 2015 - 93kg
Start 2016 - I'm a fool, I think I know better, the scales say otherwise.
In - Cheese, beans, root veg, salad, bread, eggs, some soya/mycoprotein meat substitute (Linda McCartney sausages, quorn and such). Coffee, tea, both with milk no sugar.
Out - Meat, alcohol, as much processed food as I can. Seconds.
Never have really - Chocolate, soft drinks, cakes, biscuits. (the odd ones if they are there at some social occasion, but have never consumed these things in significant quantities), Breakfast (never wake up hungry).
August 2015 - Cut all meat, the reason wasn't weight related and I haven't really missed it that much anyway. Still some fish but mostly even that's restricted to those small tins of Mackerel a few times a week (worry about vit D a bit).
Jan 2016 - Cut alcohol. Sort of miss the real ale and Guinness, but not the morning afters.
Things that maybe I should cut out but it's soooo hard - bread, cheese, seconds.
2014 - About 50 miles a week, mostly flat
2015 - Er, um, er.
2016 - Back to about 50 miles a week, sometimes a little more. Still mostly flat, a few hills if I'm feeling brave.
Rest of the time: Sedentary, in spades.
Apologies for rambling on a bit.