Weight has to go

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Senior Member
I seem to have spent the last 3 years promising to lose weight and not doing it. I would really like this new start to be the final one, and I am starting tomorrow, yep tomorrow not in the New Year. It's going to be my Christmas present to me. I know the theory very well, and for a few days I stick with it then slip slide away. If anyone else is on the same path how are you going to succeed? For those of you that have walked that way before how did you manage it.

Merry Xmas everyone


New Member
Have the same idea but am definitely starting in the New Year. We have a big family do on Saturday and don't want to have to be picky about what I am eating.

Although I am quite proud of myself. Since starting my new job in Sept and cycling pretty much every day have lost a stone in weight down from 15.5 to just under 14.5.

Struggling though to cut under the 14 mark as I think I am putting on muscle weight. Although the weight hasn't changed in the last 4 weeks.

Longer weekend rides and gym 3 times a week in the New Year. Want to be at ideal weight by April or so next year.

Good luck everyone on the weight loss kick.


Don't try to lose weight, set a goal to get really fit. I went from 15st to 11.5st when I decided to set targets of walking up Snowdon and also cycling a century. At the time I owned neither a bike or a pair of walking boots, but by setting positive targets I found the motivation to get active, and didn't even notice the weight coming off until I had to buy new trousers.

I see there are several London to Paris bike rides going this summer - that would be a proper target to go for!


New Member
The Velvet Curtain said:
I see there are several London to Paris bike rides going this summer - that would be a proper target to go for!

Like the sound of that. Although will I need to get a basket, beret, striped T-shirt and onions?

Sorry for anyone from France for the terrible stereotype painted here.

As an aside I once had to go to Paris for business. I was on the train leaving Charles De Gaulle airport to go to Gare Du Nord. Just as the train moved out a guy with an accordion got on and proceeded to play as the train proceeded out of the station.

It was one of those surreal moments in life...

Thanks Velvet for the tip.

Night Train

Maker of Things
Hmmm, I've been thinking along similar lines.
I'm not really fat but I have a tummy that sticks out more then I am happy with. If I could shift that I would be happy.


Über Member
Also, don't concentrate on bodyweight, go by how much stuff wobbles when you jump up and down in front of the mirror ;)

Alternatively, if you are exercising regularly, get your body composition measured instead of weighing yourself. This will provide a better indication of when you are putting on lean muscle mass and burning off the fat. Avoid the height/weight ratio formulas (BMI etc.) as they will actually tell you very little - other than the fct that you are too short for your weight :biggrin:


Senior Member
The Velvet Curtain said:
Don't try to lose weight, set a goal to get really fit. I went from 15st to 11.5st when I decided to set targets of walking up Snowdon and also cycling a century. At the time I owned neither a bike or a pair of walking boots, but by setting positive targets I found the motivation to get active, and didn't even notice the weight coming off until I had to buy new trousers.

I see there are several London to Paris bike rides going this summer - that would be a proper target to go for!

The fitness is a great target and boy I could do with it but with a 10 and 12 year old and their hobbies plus work and no dad around to help most of the time it's tricky to dedicate much time to it. That's why I started cycling to work again as it's the only time I really have for the exercise and even then some days it doesn't work as I have to take DS2 to school first.


Senior Member
Worcs, UK
Definitely better to build it into the routine, rather than have say an hour's cycling as a task to do on top of everything. If it is a choice, it soon becomes something to choose not to do. If you can use the commute to get the exercise as well it's easier to stick with. Can DS2 cycle with you to school?


My wifes gone from size 16 to size 8 /10 in 9 months Willow (she wont thank me for telling everyone that ;))
Smaller portions.
Very little processed food (pies and the like)
No fried food, only George Forman grilled.
Lots of apples for snacking.
Lots of excercise (although she doesnt need to do that much now) The stepping game on the Wii fit, and dancercise videos were well used...sometimes for 2 hours a day...shes got stronger looking legs than me :biggrin::wacko::sad::smile:
Virtually no cake or biscuits.
Walking whenever possible (actually she uses the bike less now, and power walks more often)

Depressing...probably, but its worked a treat. She said it was murder at first, but is used to it now.

On the plus side, she always eats well at the weekend, no cr@p food , but better portions, and we eat out once a week..that'll usually be steak and chips. She doesnt spare herself then...she deserves it.

We reckon you need the weekend 'normal eating' and an odd treat to give yourself a boost...and just to simply enjoy good food. Its too hard otherwise.


Senior Member
abchandler said:
Definitely better to build it into the routine, rather than have say an hour's cycling as a task to do on top of everything. If it is a choice, it soon becomes something to choose not to do. If you can use the commute to get the exercise as well it's easier to stick with. Can DS2 cycle with you to school?

He cycles on some days which is when I cycle but he has his trumpet to take one day and sometimes he has late football matches etc so on those days I need to take him in. In September he starts senior school then I should be cycling 4 days a week. I do feel at the moment I spend more time talking about cycling than doing it. My commute is 7 miles each way so reasonable distance. But make no mistake I do also need to stop eating, particularly at 4pm and when boys are in bed.


New Member
My main objective is to lose the spare tyre. But like Velvet I need a goal to work to.

Next week (after I have got rid of this horrible cold/flu/death/man-flu * delete as applicable) I am definitely hitting the gym to boost my cycling.

I have definitely noticed that I have pretty much stripped the fat from my legs and upper body (to a degree). Its the middle portion which needs to go.

I even thought - and this is really bad - to have it taken out so that at least it resets me. My calorie consumption is actually fine nowadays its just the years of working in the US and eating and drinking on account have taken their toll.

But I know that the real satisfaction will be in getting it done properly and not by cheating.

I am seriously talking myself out of anything nice over Christmas. ;)


Senior Member
abchandler said:
Definitely better to build it into the routine, rather than have say an hour's cycling as a task to do on top of everything. If it is a choice, it soon becomes something to choose not to do. If you can use the commute to get the exercise as well it's easier to stick with. Can DS2 cycle with you to school?

she will thank you because she has done fantastically well, and everyone should know. I remember many years ago losing 4 stone and I never quite got over my in laws not noticing! I did weightwatchers then, the discipline of someone weighing me worked but I can't get to the meetings now. The reason it has gone back on is mainly due to hubby leaving not his fault but I've just not been sensible I have put on 3 stone in 2 years and that's what needs to go. I shall be getting a book out later to write down some of these hints.


Legendary Member
There are online version of things like Weightwatchers aren't there for people that can't get to the classes? Maybe that would be an option.
GI Diet.

More exercise.

Taking reference photos - topless, with weight, waist measurement, and date, and referring back to them to track the weight loss.

Doing it with someone else (no, no, I meant LOSING WEIGHT, although "doing it" with someone else would also help) ahem, where was I? Oh yes, having support from someone else going through the same stuff.

New opportunities for exercise - I now find jogging terribly boring, after years of long-distance. So I mix it up with a bit of parkour-derived nonsense - vaults, rolls, messing about on the climbing frame etc. I don't run as far, but I use more muscles and it's more fun. So look for new ideas.

This forum. There's a whole weightwatchers sticky in Health and Fitness. I must go back and have a look at how I've done.

Good luck and keep at it - there are no quick wins or easy solutions.
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