laurence said:
i'm too tired to fight any more. there comes a time when you have to face up to reality and mine is that i am totally useless at everything i do or try. i have no skills or talent. my life is a mess and, for years now, i've wanted it to end. each winter i claw my way through to spring and each year it's less of a relief until, for the last few, it's been no different from any other season.
I do know how you feel, really. But if you can just wait, something will happen to make it better. It has for me, in a rather random way, and I wouldn't have believed it a few months ago. I'd hardly have believed I could even try to talk someone into being optimistic. Or at the very least, not so utterly helpless.
Keeping watching the birds, keep taking pictures. You've had bad luck at the hands of a couple of jumped up ignorant twerps. Sooner or later the tide (and I mean personally and nationally) has to turn.
Have you talked to a GP, or a counsellor? I'm all too well aware that medication or counselling doesn't always work, but it can't unless you try it. If you are trying it and it's not working, try something else. Take up a some random new interest for a bit, something that you can immerse yourself in, but leave when you feel like it. I know it's the hardest thing to make yourself care enough to do it, but there must be so many people who care about you, something that's kept you going this long. Grasp that straw. Grasp all those straws, until you have enough to weave a comedy sombrero and realise that there is a reason to go on.
My supervisor told me, when I was getting almost as low as I could, that sometimes you have to hit the bottom to bounce up again. Bounce, Laurence, bounce.