walking out of work

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New Member
Burn it.
mr Mag00

mr Mag00

rising member
Deepest Dorset
yh a heart to heart would be good but she is too stubborn and up her own ar53 to listen ravenz, its not about territory its a small charity and people have desks, not some stupid anonymous system where ppl can hot desk, i have files and things on my desk i needed like my diary!! as for office gossip i will probably be the object of it now


Legendary Member
Somewhere flat
mr Mag00 said:
which is why i have come home and told them i wont be back unitl i have somewhere to work, the ppl responsible dont get in as early as me. they know how i feel about stuff being dumped in my office and in my classroom

Maybe they are doing this as a deliberate wind-up? Has this type of thing happened before... :smile:


I am sorry but it seems petty to me. I'd have moved the stuff and then had a word with everybody, as it is, now you will be the focal point of juicy office gossip. Was it worth it?

I am 46 and if I had a penny for everytime I had heard something similar to "the changes i have brought to that place and the contacts and work i have done. " then I would be a rich man. Of course, the person leaves and business carries on as always.;) You owe your employer not the other way round, the door is always open for you to leave and have your own desk, office and business even.
mr Mag00

mr Mag00

rising member
Deepest Dorset
I am 46 and if I had a penny for everytime I had heard something similar to "the changes i have brought to that place and the contacts and work i have done. " then I would be a rich man. Of course, the person leaves and business carries on as always.;) You owe your employer not the other way round, the door is always open for you to leave and have your own desk, office and business even.

thats why i was asked to go and work there and it so happens to be true! *flips a penny at mark* i have had my own business which i put to one side to go and work at this place the fact that the other staff have a less than professional attitude is not going to stop me making my point.

why should i have spent 2-3 hours of my time looking for somewhere to put this stuff when that is what should have been done in the first place whilst i wasnt there. this isnt a few sheets of paper, i could not see or get to my desk this morning and that is no exageration.


mr Mag00 said:
thats why i was asked to go and work there and it so happens to be true! *flips a penny at mark*

No problem:smile: But you can't post and expect everybody to agree with you, I don't, IMO it was petty and a cluttered desk was not worth winding yourself up about. People would only have been laughing when you left.
mr Mag00

mr Mag00

rising member
Deepest Dorset
i know why the stuff is there, because no one else could be bothered to move to a place of storage! its an office not a cupboard! what i dont find acceptable that it had to be placed in my office which is small as it. i dont post on here and expect ppl to agree as none of us are in the situation i guess i just needed to blow it of somewhere. it wasnt clutered like someone had been there before it was covered in boxes with computer monitors stuffed underneath to the point i could nt get to my diary i couldnt see my desk, not the same as cluttered.
i know im not indespencible but i dont want my contribution to what i do at work to be brought in to question thank you. and yes 2-3 hours carrying monitors and boxes of leaflets to a storage space, that is exactly why they were dumped in there in the first place because no on wanted to do that work.
I'd try again in the morning.

If still the same, I'd make it clear that I was going home again and would return after Xmas when the landing is cleared and the junk is put back.
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