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There's good coverage on it on this week's GCN news, apparently the segments are the most expensive part of the whole offering and given the annual cost is only slightly more than the local council want for taking garden refuse I decided to subscribe, partly in the hope that improvements come along. The issue of ebike timings clogging up KOMs is largely due to their being hardly any ebike segments and by default ebikes uploading rides to Strava as ride rather than e-bike ride. I did report one which got removed.


Just curious, does anyone leave their ad blocker enabled on this site?
Nope. I make an annual donation to be ad free on CC. I believe in paying for what I want be it Strava or ad free CC.

BTW that's not a dig at you. :smile:


Über Member
Setting aside for one second the arguments over the rights or wrongs of having to pay a subscription, those who will or won’t pay to upgrade will probably be decided by:

1. How far up the leadership boards they’re able to get,
2. How much importance they attach to that.

There’s very little else of value that isn’t still available for free, as far as I can see.


West Yorks
having just uploaded a Zwift ride to Strava, I can honestly say there's nothing paid for that I'm bothered about looking at, as long as rides are recorded, and I can see if I have done better/worse than previously, that's all I need to see.


Eh up
Setting aside for one second the arguments over the rights or wrongs of having to pay a subscription, those who will or won’t pay to upgrade will probably be decided by:

1. How far up the leadership boards they’re able to get,
2. How much importance they attach to that.

There’s very little else of value that isn’t still available for free, as far as I can see.

I see it as an incentive to try harder and get into the top ten on a segment and see your position while remaining subscription free.


Resolutely on topic
Nope. I make an annual donation to be ad free on CC. I believe in paying for what I want be it Strava or ad free CC.

BTW that's not a dig at you. :smile:
I didn’t think it was. I know CC is a much smaller enterprise than Strava, but the same principles apply, I think. I do use ad-blockers for general browsing but turn them off if I become a heavy user of any site, including this one. I wasn’t aware there was a subscription option here, so will investigate.


Norven Mankey
Setting aside for one second the arguments over the rights or wrongs of having to pay a subscription, those who will or won’t pay to upgrade will probably be decided by:

1. How far up the leadership boards they’re able to get,
2. How much importance they attach to that.

There’s very little else of value that isn’t still available for free, as far as I can see.
I miss the following:

Compare my segment efforts against my previous efforts on same segment

Compare my segment efforts to other riders on the same day

Compare my PBs to friends I follow

Whether that's worth £4 a month I will have to see


West Yorks
I'd prefer it if Zwift rides can't be uploaded to Strava. I don't care for seeing a contact riding some pixels against some other pixels in an imaginary world. It must use a lot of Strava capacity.
Why? It’s for my benefit, not for anyone else to look at, I record my rides for me, it’s recorded as a virtual ride and I can then see if I have done better or worse on a segment, when I can’t get outside & ride, therefore i know where I need to try harder.


Why? It’s for my benefit, not for anyone else to look at, I record my rides for me, it’s recorded as a virtual ride and I can then see if I have done better or worse on a segment, when I can’t get outside & ride, therefore i know where I need to try harder.
Why? I find them boring and unrelatable. If you record your rides for 'you', then mark them as private then I don't have to see these imaginary rides.


Do you go looking for them, what a strange comment

I've already been clear about it. I find them boring and unrelateable. If they're important to you, great, mark them as private. Or you could just view them on the platform they were created on.


Kilometre nibbler
I've already been clear about it. I find them boring and unrelateable. If they're important to you, great, mark them as private. Or you could just view them on the platform they were created on.
I find many TV programs boring and unrelatable. I solve this conundrum by not fecking watching them.

You might like to try this approach with other people's records of their sessions online. It might just work. Its a long shot but it might be worth a try. ;)


The Glue that binds us together.
Is that the "Live Segments" I have seen? Does that only work if you are recording on a phone directly through Strava and not through a third party computer? Does your phone have to be "live" all the ride i.e. lit screen not where the screen goes dark and locks itself for battery conservation after a few seconds?
Wahoo Roam.


Is that the "Live Segments" I have seen? Does that only work if you are recording on a phone directly through Strava and not through a third party computer? Does your phone have to be "live" all the ride i.e. lit screen not where the screen goes dark and locks itself for battery conservation after a few seconds?
I use a Wahoo Elemnt and have recently started to use Live Segments. I think the only time my phone is connected to my Wahoo is when I open the Wahoo app. I make this assumption based on the Wahoo app searching for the unit every time I open the app and the unit then asks for permission to connect.

"Star" segments in Strava and then sync the Wahoo. Then look under routes on the unit, here you will find the segments you have "starred." It is these which will show as "live" when you are riding and I presume are triggered by the GPS signal or mapping software.

A few tips:
  • Only "starred" segments are live
  • Some climbs, I'm only interested in climbs, have multiple segments. Whichever segment you are currently on will show as live which gets confusing. I only star the longest on the basis if I crack that one I'll get the others too!
  • There is a field "Ahead/Behind" which I have switched off. I find it demotivating to know I'm behind my best time and it's very difficult to catch up!
  • First time you use it find a segment and ride it slowly and monitor the Wahoo screen to become familiar with the numbers and notifications
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