Vote one, vote all: Should @mudsticks be canonised?

Well, should she?

  • Yay

    Votes: 15 27.3%
  • Nay

    Votes: 5 9.1%
  • Who?

    Votes: 17 30.9%
  • I haven't got a TV

    Votes: 18 32.7%

  • Total voters
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Obviously an Aubergine
I DO apologise in advance BUT after having seen (for the very first time) Peggy Armstrong in Heartbeat, I somehow, ahem, assumed you looked like her! 😮😬🙀😳

View attachment 527637

I'll understand and accept if you decide to put me on your ignore list!
Gosh no, not nearly so 'glam' as an actress..

I can assure you.

If you wanted to get a closer likeness there's the odd (very odd) picture of me here n there about this fine forum.

If you were proper proper bored you could even hunt em down..

Now if you'll excuse me, there's a bit of recalcitrant dock wrestling to be done..


Obviously an Aubergine
She's always preaching to us. A seat in the House of Bishops would be more appropriate.

Sounds great, so long as the cushions are comfy, and the biscuits be plentiful :okay:


If 6 Was 9
Ps being picky here (nice still, but yes picky)
I wouldn't call myself an atheist.

More an agnostic.
Easy way to tell.
Theism is a belief claim.
Gnosticism is a knowledge claim.

Do you believe a God exists and know it for a fact?= Gnostic Theist.

Do you believe a God exists but don't actually know it for a fact? = Agnostic Theist.

Do you believe a God doesn't exist but don't actually know it for a fact? = Agnostic Atheist.

Do you believe a God doesn't exist and actually know it fact? = Gnostic Atheist.

HTH someone. :smile:


Obviously an Aubergine
Easy way to tell.
Theism is a belief claim.
Gnosticism is a knowledge claim.

Do you believe a God exists and know it for a fact?= Gnostic Theist.

Do you believe a God exists but don't actually know it for a fact? = Agnostic Theist.

Do you believe a God doesn't exist but don't actually know it for a fact? = Agnostic Atheist.

Do you believe a God doesn't exist and actually know it fact? = Gnostic Atheist.

HTH someone. :smile:

I don't know for sure if 'a god' exists.

I'm not that omniscient, despite having a thread named for me :blush:

I know a lot of people do believe that there is one god.

I know a lot of people believe there is more than one god

Many of the people who believe in one god, believe that anyone else's 'one god' is not the real deal, but their 'one god' is the real and proper one.

Many of the people who have a pantheon of gods, believe in all of theirs, but not anyone elses.

Many of these people seem prepared to fight each other over it al, big styleee, even to the death. :wacko:

Which is kind of ironic, given that many of them seem to be arguing over, 'what happens after you die'

I guess at least if they die 'in the name of their god(s) they then manage to prove themselves right (or wrong as the case may be)

But even then, no one gets the satisfaction of coming back and saying "I told you so"
(at least no one gets the shame of being proved wrong either :rolleyes:)

Which makes all the fighting seem rather pointless.

But going to war seems to be rather thrilling for some, and profitable for others.
However horrible the reality. :sad:

I think in truth, I'm one of those annoying flakey wishy washy non committal 'a bit spiritual' type people.

I don't see any evidence for any seperate divine being or god*(s)
I think I did write out an A-Z once upon a time out of interest.

I'm happy to accept there may be forces beyond our (present) scientific ken, which at the moment we name something a universal energy such as qui, prana, chi, life force or whatever.

And find a physically and spiritually uplifting practice in the forms of yoga pranayama and meditation.
Which seems to tap into something like this.

And through an appreciation of, and care for the natural world, which sustains us all in so many ways.

But I don't believe in elephant or monkey gods either - I think that it's most likely just us monkey brained humans trying to make sense and meaning out of our existence, and place in a seemingly limitless indifferent cosmos.

Not sure what sort of gnostic type, this all falls under??


Obviously an Aubergine
I voted don't have a TV. I do have a TV though and I watch it.

I voted "don't have a TV" too.

But I'm telling the truth :okay:


If 6 Was 9
I don't know for sure if 'a god' exists.

I'm not that omniscient, despite having a thread named for me :blush:

I know a lot of people do believe that there is one god.

I know a lot of people believe there is more than one god

Many of the people who believe in one god, believe that anyone else's 'one god' is not the real deal, but their 'one god' is the real and proper one.

Many of the people who have a pantheon of gods, believe in all of theirs, but not anyone elses.

Many of these people seem prepared to fight each other over it al, big styleee, even to the death. :wacko:

Which is kind of ironic, given that many of them seem to be arguing over, 'what happens after you die'

I guess at least if they die 'in the name of their god(s) they then manage to prove themselves right (or wrong as the case may be)

But even then, no one gets the satisfaction of coming back and saying "I told you so"
(at least no one gets the shame of being proved wrong either :rolleyes:)

Which makes all the fighting seem rather pointless.

But going to war seems to be rather thrilling for some, and profitable for others.
However horrible the reality. :sad:

I think in truth, I'm one of those annoying flakey wishy washy non committal 'a bit spiritual' type people.

I don't see any evidence for any seperate divine being or god*(s)
I think I did write out an A-Z once upon a time out of interest.

I'm happy to accept there may be forces beyond our (present) scientific ken, which at the moment we name something a universal energy such as qui, prana, chi, life force or whatever.

And find a physically and spiritually uplifting practice in the forms of yoga pranayama and meditation.
Which seems to tap into something like this.

And through an appreciation of, and care for the natural world, which sustains us all in so many ways.

But I don't believe in elephant or monkey gods either - I think that it's most likely just us monkey brained humans trying to make sense and meaning out of our existence, and place in a seemingly limitless indifferent cosmos.

Not sure what sort of gnostic type, this all falls under??
That all sounds, to me, that you are an agnostic Atheist .... but can't bring yourself to use the 'A' word for whatever reason. ;)


Obviously an Aubergine
That all sounds, to me, that you are an agnostic Atheist .... but can't bring yourself to use the 'A' word for whatever reason. ;)

If I use the A word doesn't that mean I'm absolutely sure there isn't a God?

I'm staunchly in the
"I really don't know, but it seems doubtful to me*" camp.

And moreover if such a creature does exist he/she/it, is either, not paying attention, and or, doesn't give much of a cr@p about anything, or anyone, so probs not worth paying too much attention to anyhow 🤔


If 6 Was 9
If I use the A word doesn't that mean I'm absolutely sure there isn't a God?

Theists claim that they believe God exists.
Atheism simply means that you do not accept their belief claim.

To make the claim that you are absolutely certain that God does not exist would mean that you are a gnostic Atheist. This would be a very difficult position to defend unless you were omniscient.
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