Visiting your doctor is bad for your health...

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Somerset UK
I once got a letter after a medical that I need to see the company doctor to do something about my weight (being in the middle of the 'overweight' BMI category). I made an appointment as requested & turned up wearing shorts & tightish sleeveless top.
Dr: Mr xxx, thank you for coming.
*Dr shuffles some papers :huh:*
Dr: So... Er... um, thanks for coming. You can leave now & sorry for wasting your time.

A man in his 20s I worked with about 10 years ago had that experience. He was a rugby player, 2m01/ 6' 7", and was (just) obese according to his BMI. He'd filled in a life assurance form and was referred for a medical, and did much the same as you. He got normal rates.


pre-talced and mighty
1753143 said:
Prawns have a reputation for increasing cholesterol but, as with all these things, it could well be bollocks.
Prawn bollocks, on the other hand, are a vital component of any cyclist's diet. It's just that they're so expensive.

Rich - Range Rover driving drug dealing son-in-law (well, actually he sells pharmaceuticals to doctors) tells me that the docs are on a bit of a bonus for prescribing statins. Why not ask your doctor if he or she is getting a bit of cashback? And, yes, you can cut the levels by eating avocados, walnuts and prawn bollocks.


Minkowski Space
Don't give up butter - life is too short. Stop worrying about it, as Mangaman says. Have proper porridge made with oatmeal for breakfast, carry on drinking the red booze,and eat even more garlic.

Don't give up on butter - but do give up on margarine! The process of making marg generates trans fats which are known to increase LDL cholesterol - the bad sort. In fact, I'd avoid anything which lists "hydrogenated vegetable oil/fat" in its ingredients, because it's been made in the same way - in a chemical plant - and will also contain trans fats.


The cynic in me says that the recent bonus/target doctor's pay scheme means 'tick box' health advice.
Refuse treatment and your doctor might lose a bit of cash bonus!
rich p

rich p

ridiculous old lush
Thanks all.
Fab Foodie, I don't intend to base my strategy on the cycleChat forum but it's as good place as any to get some personal, anecdotal evidence.
Anything like this is necessarily contradictory from your positive personal experience of statins to Mangaman's professioinal, expert scepticism.
I shall do further research but my gut-feeling is to eat more sensibly where possible and review the situation in 6 months time.
(If the prawn bollix deep-fried in butter don't kill me first)

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
Don't give up on butter - but do give up on margarine! The process of making marg generates trans fats which are known to increase LDL cholesterol - the bad sort. In fact, I'd avoid anything which lists "hydrogenated vegetable oil/fat" in its ingredients, because it's been made in the same way - in a chemical plant - and will also contain trans fats.


Legendary Member
...I went in last week for an NHS health check as fit and healthy as a 57 year old with a replacement hip can be with no obvious problems, and now have a high cholesterol level which apparently needs reducing.
The number was 7.5 which according to the stats gives me a 15% chance of heart problems in the future.

high cholesterol is more to do with genetic make up than diet. plus eating food containing cholesterol is not an issue - eating bad fats is as we produce our own cholesterol

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
Don't give up on butter - but do give up on margarine! The process of making marg generates trans fats which are known to increase LDL cholesterol - the bad sort. In fact, I'd avoid anything which lists "hydrogenated vegetable oil/fat" in its ingredients, because it's been made in the same way - in a chemical plant - and will also contain trans fats.

Pont of order; not necessarily ... (not to open this old chesnut again) ... but fully hydrogenated fats contain no trans fats, it's partially hydrogenated fats that are of concern. If this point was properly made during the hysterics we might have more rain forest and less palm plantations however sustainably farmed.


Legendary Member
Somewhere flat
I like clams - hirsute or otherwise:rolleyes:

Lol - you crack me up Rich, just made me spit apple all over my keyboard :tongue:

Tweaking the diet a little bit and seeing what effect it has, sounds like a winner :smile:


Minkowski Space
Pont of order; not necessarily ... (not to open this old chesnut again) ... but fully hydrogenated fats contain no trans fats, it's partially hydrogenated fats that are of concern. If this point was properly made during the hysterics we might have more rain forest and less palm plantations however sustainably farmed.

Actually, yes, you're quite right. I'm forgetting my chemistry here. I stand corrected.
I was having a yearly medical in Sweden when I lived there and past with flying colours on everything, except for a lowish reading on calcium.

The doc asked me if I liked cheese and dairy products (which I do with a passion) and told me to eat more cheese. Nice man!


I was having a yearly medical in Sweden when I lived there and past with flying colours on everything, except for a lowish reading on calcium.

The doc asked me if I liked cheese and dairy products (which I do with a passion) and told me to eat more cheese. Nice man!

Probably duff advice though Dayvo - dietary calcium deficiency is a very rare cause of a low blood calcium - especially as you already eat a load of cheese and dairy.

Most calcium is stored in bones - and your blood calcium is regulated by various hormones.

The commonest cause of a slightly low calcium in Scandinavia would be a lack of vitamin D - which needs sun exposure to be made.

So if you have a seriously low calcium you need vitamin D - not cheese.

Although he sounds a friendlier chap than richp's - he's still altering your lifestyle for no reason with no evidence (only in a nice way).

Stick to White Russians - plenty of ice (unless your offered one by Jackie Treehorn)


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
I just got back from the GP. One of the things that the blood tests threw up was a really big vitamin D deficiency. His dietary advice in front of me tells me that I should stock up on the following....margarine, butter, herrings, kippers, salmon, mackerel, pilchards, sardines, tuna, roe,and eggs. I could get to like this...a get out of jail card to eat caviar.:hungry:
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