Speaking as somebody who ignored the advice over Cholesterol, was prescribed Statins in my 30s and didn't take them, imagine my shock having emergency stenting at 42 ....
None of this is straighforward.
If you don't smoke and exercise regularly and don't consume high amounts of saturated fat, there's not a whole lot else you can do. Dietary change will have a minor effect and anything that has supposed Cholesterol reduction properties like Omega 3s. oats etc will be beneficial in otherways as a bonus, so there's no downside to that. But some of us need Statins to get our Cholesterol even into ball-park. This may or may not be the case for you, but your GP is best placed to advise, or speak to another heart health professional. It's not something to be taken likely.
In my case Statin usage is the lesser of 2 evils. Without the emergency surgery I'd have died within days. Without the Statins I could well have had more surgery or been dead by now nearly 8 years later. The Statins will stave-off the chances of further intervention hopefully for years to come. Of course there's a potential downside to the statins but I'm hoping it's the lesser of 2 evils. So there's an alternative view.
The BHF produce some good info online about Cholesterol and if concerned, seek greater medical opinion rather than anecdote on cycling forum, which like helmet debates, confuse more often than clarify.
Oh, and one more thing ... as per theclaud, don't give up the butter, just moderate!