I have read the Allen Carr book in the past, took a lot of his points on board but just continued on smoking without a care in the world. I realise it works for many so great but while reading it, my overwhelming thought was "what a smug, pretentious prat!" There was just something about the tone which got my back up.
Think I've said before on CC about how I quit (and I used to enjoy everything about smoking). Cut down to 20 a day, then 15, then 10, then 5 ... then divided the final 5 into 2 one day, 2 the next and on the final day got ready to enjoy my last ever cigarette. Mug of coffee, settled down ... and felt so sick after the first drag that I stamped it out and haven't wanted one since. In fact, just the smell of cigarettes on other people makes me gag.
The real trick was changing the habit. I used to smoke two on the way to work and then one before going in, so changed it to one half way to work and one when I got there, then ditched the one in the car altogether. Later changes included no smoking til lunchtime, then no smoking til after work etc.
It worked for me.
Just get an ego battery and some mid or small tanks, much better,
BTW smoking hides a lot of issues that it produces.
Ive started on the weaker nicotine vape now and to be honest I don't notice it from the medium one . I also have baccy in a draw but I wont be smoking it !I think I've had enough of this vaping lark. I'm still on the 'blu' e-cig but am just chuffing away on It late at night when having a beer or glass of wine, which is certainly the trigger for wanting to smoke. But I'm waking up in the mornings with what I swear feels like a smoker's cough. Could be the tail end of this cold I've got I suppose.
I talked at length with my band mates about their vapourisers and it feels like I'm at something of a crossroads - I could invest in a proper vape thing (instead of the e-cig I currently have) or I could just stop entirely.
With almost all my smoking friends now vaping there's no tobacco to scrounge in weak moments.
Most importantly the baccy I bought a few weeks ago is still sat in a drawer and I have zero interest in smoking any of it.
well I ignored my own advise and bought this one http://www.theaceofvapez.co.uk/#!product/prd1/3301715241/aspire-atlantis-full-subω-kit
I don't find it as effective as the smaller one as the nicotine is a lot lower but I guess that's a good thing .
Ive just gone onto the stronger nicotine vape again as this last two days I have been really strugglingI cant believe that nearly a month in and I am seriously gasping for a smoke
well I ignored my own advise and bought this one http://www.theaceofvapez.co.uk/#!product/prd1/3301715241/aspire-atlantis-full-subω-kit
I don't find it as effective as the smaller one as the nicotine is a lot lower but I guess that's a good thing .
Ive just gone onto the stronger nicotine vape again as this last two days I have been really strugglingI cant believe that nearly a month in and I am seriously gasping for a smoke
well I ignored my own advise and bought this one http://www.theaoverwhelming I.uk/#!product/prd1/3301715241/aspire-atlcravingull-subω-kit
I don't find it as effective as the smaller one as the nicotine is a lot lower but I guess that's a good thing .
Ive just gone onto the stronger nicotine vape again as this last two days I have been really strugglingI cant believe that nearly a month in and I am seriously gasping for a smoke