should be off interest to you guys and lassies
edit: there is so much crap in the media about ecigs, some one is getting backhanders and i bet its big pharma and big baccy plus governments.
take the recent daily mail one : ecigs contain 10 times more carcinogens than smokes yehhhhhh sure they do, don't belive me?
look through that thread yourself i believe a scientist who is highly respected questions the claims directly
for any one that can't be bothered to read here is the esteemed guys findings after contacting the source.
vickster we do know what exactly is in ecigs its just the media wont publish they reports, better bann all smoke machines in theatres and nightclubs their forcing vaping on their audience, as their main source is vg.
see where im going with this? i feel ill been at the back end of buses as well in edinburgh can we ban buses?
i mix a lot of my own juice to taste and all the crap even exploding batterys are misreported, of course a lithion ion battery will explode if its cheap crap and put on a 2 amp charger then left unattended over night lol
i have never had a battery explode or even vent charging 18650 li ions at 2 amps but decent ones with a 35 amp discharge rate nor have i had a small ego battery go off, not had a lithium polymer battery go off either and i use them for model planes choppers buggys etc
think thats as far as ill go with this, can't concentrate thx to depression and very drunk, just had to rant lol
since switching to vaping my sense of smell and taste have comeback my breathing is improved etc and i can smell a smoke on the ground half a mile off if the wind blows it towards my bike and i hate the smell
ingredients have been known to be safe since the 60's sure some flavourings will have diacetyl which is bad but most don't and it was only one brand caught with that crap lol
enjoy hot steamy showers? better stop bad for your lungs that vaping, same with a steamy kitchen cooking stuff etc better stop that it's vaping, way too much water vapour on the lungs just sniffing that freshly boiled kettle for the next caffeine fix.
loads of water vapour in the air that must be bad for our lungs better lock up the atmosphere.