When me and my former best man at my wedding worked behind the bar of his brother in law's pub in the very early 1990's we'd pee in pint pots and tip it out the open window, as the toilet was on a lower floor. One night my mate peed in a pot and having had quite a few pints (of beer, not pee

) put the pee filled pot on the floor, instead of tipping it out the window. On waking up in the middle of the night, still drunk and feeling thirsty he reached for what he thought was lime cordial and water. Yes, you can guess the rest!! By the way, we shared the same double bed. One morning the cleaner came in, saw us and said "Hey two gays how crazy is that"!

We weren't and still aren't, but she would not let it go and told half the pub about finding me and my former best man in bed together, constantly referring to us as Bert and Ernie!
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