Unconventional meals involving ingredients totally incompatible you make and like, despite the disdain you may receive for making and eating them

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Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
While on the subject of the above today I mentioned my once a favourite of mine corned beef vindaloo, which was basically a cut up tin of corned beef warmed up in a pan, then a jar of vindaloo sauce added as the corned beef started to break down into a kind of stew. I also used to like peanut pizza which was peanuts on a margarita pizza, sometimes with tinned pineapple on as well. What unconventional meals do you make and like? 🤔


Legendary Member
Ice cream and pilchards.


I remember Fray Bentos steak and kidney pie with Heinz tinned macaroni cheese being a favourite of mine in the early to mid 1980's.

After you came home from the pub on a Friday night?


Firm and Fruity
My Dad always used to make me and brother choc-ice and chips whenever my mum was away for the night. Eaten off a big plate with a knife and fork.
It was a running joke but a highlight of my childhood.
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