UK SUV Petition

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South Wales
The utility vehicle bit came about as a means to avoid making vehicles that were better for the environment. We could have helped mitigate the effects of climate change many years ago and yet we carry this on. We don't allow heavy goods in the third lane so why allow utility vehicles. They can still overtake in the other lanes.

We do allow heavy goods, just not articulated vehicles. Which includes cars towing caravans or other trailers. But non-articulated heavy goods vehicles are allowed in the 3d lane, as are buses/coaches. It is nothing to do with weight.

And you just said "the fast lane", you didn't say anything about when there are three or more lanes. Quite a few stretches of motorway only have 2 lanes.

But the main issue with banning "utility vehicles" from the outside lane (apart from the fact nobody is likely to perceive any benefit to it)when there are three or more would be the issue of definition. Just how do you define these vehicles that are no longer to be allowed in that lane?


We do allow heavy goods, just not articulated vehicles. Which includes cars towing caravans or other trailers. But non-articulated heavy goods vehicles are allowed in the 3d lane, as are buses/coaches. It is nothing to do with weight.

And you just said "the fast lane", you didn't say anything about when there are three or more lanes. Quite a few stretches of motorway only have 2 lanes.

But the main issue with banning "utility vehicles" from the outside lane (apart from the fact nobody is likely to perceive any benefit to it)when there are three or more would be the issue of definition. Just how do you define these vehicles that are no longer to be allowed in that lane?

Anything with leather seats... There job done!


Yet the very people that call for such petitions likely have Amazon and Ebay accounts, and their spending habits contribute to the escalating number of HGVs and kamikaze delivery vans on our roads.

20mph and kamikaze do not sit well together.


Interesting addition.
"Jersey Police reported that 64% of Jersey casualties were vulnerable road users including pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists and occasionally horse riders, compared to 36% in the UK "

So, it looks like lower speeds mean drivers are at a low risk, unlike pedestrians and cyclists where casualties remain high.
The jersey wide speed limit is currently 40mph.


Worth noting that the reason the SUV is very popular is so that averages mean someone else is the victim, not them.

The problem with 30mph + in cities is that all none drivers are the victim. One trip and you are dead, as per recent news.


Legendary Member
London, UK
Some points:
1. I thought SUVs started to become popular when the old GTI style cars became prohibitively expensive to insure so people still wanted something cool to be seen in this turning to SUVs.

2. Ban anything over 2 tons to use the third lane.

3. Investigate taxing cars based on footprint size and weight. It get rid of some other tax, really, we are over taxed.
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