UK SUV Petition

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Legendary Member
Of course. And if you crash in it, or anyone crashes into it, the occupants will likely be killed outright. That's one reason modern cars are significantly heavier.

and that nicely leads into the point that it is arguable that many, perhaps most, road safety measures have simply transferred the risk from those inside the vehicle, to those outside it; a particularly sick example of what economists call "externalities". Another consequence is people being scared to cycle, and parents, to a degree understandably, being wary if letting their kids play freely outside. In effect non-drivers have lost freedoms whilst deriving no benefit

It is often jokingly said the biggest road safety improvement would be a big spike sticking out of the steering wheel, but whilst it's a joke, it is likely true

There is a rather good semi academic article on this somewhere


The older I get, the faster I used to be ...
Luckily you can usually outrun them.

I had one - or rather the upmarket version - a Dyanne. Amazing fun especially with the hood down on a sunny summer's day. 40 mph felt like 80. Not so good with the onset of winter when the hood leaked and it became very reluctant to start. Rusted away quite quickly.


I had one - or rather the upmarket version - a Dyanne. Amazing fun especially with the hood down on a sunny summer's day. 40 mph felt like 80. Not so good with the onset of winter when the hood leaked and it became very reluctant to start. Rusted away quite quickly.

Amazingly good in deep snow though. They had to have a certain make of spark plug for good winter starting. Rather odd but when you changd over it was the end of the problem.


And inversely the space inside them gets smaller. My sister had an Audi A6 and the cabin was tiny very claustrophobic!


And inversely the space inside them gets smaller. My sister had an Audi A6 and the cabin was tiny very claustrophobic!

An a6 is a saloon. The q5 will have a smaller foot print but because it is an suv, and as such higher, the passengers will get more room. So, smaller footprint, more space but can suv. It’s why people buy them.
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