If that is the case it certainly doesn't seem that way on the ground. As I said previously the implementation has been terrible, just like anything else to do with transport infrastructure in the city. They've had several goes at the Botley road since I've been in the area and it's still shite. Each time millions of pounds chucked at arguably making it slightly better for cyclists.
I don't think anyone mentioned a U-turn, however it's no doubt a compelling arguement for the nay-sayers given what a mess it is currently.
Oxford and traffic has always ben an issue though , as the city centre roads, particularly the inner ring (not the ring road) bit is woefully narrow and twisty, but there are some substantial old buildings not allowing any expansion of it, even if that were desirable. if you want to get anywhere quickly, a bike was always the answer, not a car.
Everything possible should be done to discourage people driving anywhere near the city centre, and this latest scheme is aiming to do that.
I went back in December having not been there for years and having the High and Broad street etc essentially closed to private cars has made it a lot better. We used the park and ride from Headington, which was fine except the bus got snarled up with other traffic around St Clements.
I agree there should be carrots as well as sticks, but I have little sympathy with the citizens of Oxford getting up in arms about the overall aims of scheme,namely diverting car traffic away from the congested centre and encouraging people to use buses and bikes / shanks pony instead, particularly as those opposed to it are spreading massive misinformation about it.