UK Documentary looking for 'Extreme' Cycle Commuters

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Legendary Member
My 7 mile London commute is not extreme, but is does take in a very good selection of picture postcard sights.

Every day I pass the Queens House, Greenwich Observatory, The Old Royal Naval College, the Cutty Sark (All World Heritage sites), the Greenwich foot tunnel, Canary Wharf, the old docklands, and then the Tower of London and St Pauls (both World Heritage sites).
So add Big Ben and the London Eye and I've just about 'done' London from a tourist point of view


Mancunian in self imposed exile in leafy Cheshire
Wasn't there a lady on here who used to commute 50 miles each way? Iirc Pathetic Shark?

Nathan Lomax-Cooke

New Member
Nathan, please give us absolute assurance that this wont turn into more cyclist-baiting on the telly? Some of us have become a little distrustful of the way the media portray cycling...
No hidden agendas here, just want to report on peeps who travel a long way to work / school by pedal power.


Mancunian in self imposed exile in leafy Cheshire
I think she had a blog but I can't think what it was. If you message her on here she should get an email saying she has a message.

jonny jeez

Legendary Member
No hidden agendas here, just want to report on peeps who travel a long way to work / school by pedal power.
Good luck Nathan.

Unfortunately one or two of the members on here have already been very poorly represented in the national press and my opinion unfairly too.

The temptation to cave into negative stereotypes seems far too strong I'm afraid.


My mate does a daily 60 mile round-trip, he is insane, can't see him being up for this though.

The media treats cyclists unfairly, see the BBC bullshit War on Britains roads, then a nice little segment on the news last night where they put the guy who got punched by a guy on a bike's mate and the M25 dude next to each other in the broadcast, like they had anything to do with each other.
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